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Are there any premiums for the old Englehard 10 OZ poured loaf sytle bars?

fivecentsfivecents Posts: 11,207 ✭✭✭✭✭
Thanks in advance.


  • I like them and I've always had to pay a premium because apparently a lot of other people also like the look and trust the brand.

    But if you sell me some at spot + 5% I'd be happy. I have paid more.
    NumbersUsa, FairUs, Alipac, CapsWeb, and TeamAmericaPac
  • carscars Posts: 1,904
    Not really, They sell about the same price as any other engelhard bars.
    Its all relative
  • Cars,

    let me know where?

    And please don't tell me apmex, been there and been dumped on.
    NumbersUsa, FairUs, Alipac, CapsWeb, and TeamAmericaPac
  • carscars Posts: 1,904
    Everywhere, Actually a lot of times they sell lower than engelhard struck bars. Check out eBay sold auctions if you like image My local shop has a pile of them they can't sell for $2 over spot but the struck type fly off the shelfs.
    Its all relative
  • Sorry Cars,

    When the OP stated old I was thinking the Bull type and the older less generic looking loaf style. There is a loaf style that is
    80's I'm guessing and they are common and I've never purchased one either.
    NumbersUsa, FairUs, Alipac, CapsWeb, and TeamAmericaPac
  • fivecentsfivecents Posts: 11,207 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The old loaf style englehard bars serial # is P232115 if that helps date the bar.
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