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If we lined up all of the financial gurus head to toe

BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
They would stretch out 150,000 miles of

misinformation, incoherent statements , self serving

commentary, wishful thinking, poor timing, 264 million

excuses, stupidity as well as paid for reviews, of corporate

There once was a place called


  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,090 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You're just now figurin' that one out? image
  • roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,310 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If the goal of the financial gurus in the banking industry (and all their accomplices in the govt and academia) has been to tank the financial system and make off with as much loot as possible with no jail time, then I would concede these guys are truly guru's or at least exquisite pied pipers. One cannot be sure if the goal from day 1 of the FED was to take over and loot the system and finally to take it down once they got all the $$ the system could turn over. Then it would be time to go to a new system to start it over again.

    He who controls the money supply owns the economies. If given a true/false question on this I'd have to go with "true" as to a general conspiracy over many years. The depth to which all the fraud goes, and the many connections to a couple of major banks seems beyond reason. In fact, it seems impossible to have gotten to where we are today randomly. Rather, it took many years of concerted efforts by many players to get to where we are today. You couldn't have dreamed this up unless your intention from day one was to pillage the system. When bankers asked for the keys to Dad's car for tonight's party, we not only gave them the keys, but we tossed in a couple of kegs of beer, a nitro fueled- supercharged engine, no brakes, no reverse gear, no turn signals or lights, no chute, and mandatory blindfolds and ear plugs. "See ya later Junior have a safe time tonight at the dance!" And don't forget the "get out of jail free card" after building leveraged 50-1 housing on Boardwalk and Park Place.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold
  • RR

    I don't think the plan was to bring down the system. They were milking it real good for years and since greed has no limits they found even better ways. Then when they totally bought Washington and no agency said no to them then party got out of control with all the thieves competing to see who could steal the most and the fastest.

    They would really like the system to mend and get back to the good old days, of course when there is no more JQPublic money to be stolen then the gov't can just create more for them to take.
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