Topps Baseball All-Star Cards 50's to 80's

Question for you all. What are your favorite/least favorite All-Star cards from Topps? I am going from the 50's to the 80's in my opinions. I'd love to hear what others think.
1958 - cheesy, with bad photos - the Musial looks great, but the Mantle is lame
1959 - Absolutely gorgeous!!!
1960 - Some of my very favorites ever. - Mantle's card is one of my favorite's ever
1961 - I like the newspaper style, but a design incorporating the 61's would have worked better
1962 - Ok - not great, not horrible
1968 - I hate 68's, but these cards are great.
1969 - Somewhat dull
1970 - Gee this seems familiar... 1961?
1974 - The dual all-star cards are bland.
1982 - They all seem a bit washed out.
1983 - As much as I love the 83's, I dislike the All-Star cards
1984 - Simple, but not bad at all
1985 - These incorporate the 85's well
1986 - Just dull
1987 - Actually look better than the actual cards
1988 - The diamond design is fantastic.
1989 - Ok - nothing special
I'd rate them like this:
1 - 1959
2 - 1960
3 - 1968
4 - 1988
5 - 1987
6 - 1985
7 - 1961
8 - 1970
9 - 1984
10 - 1989
11 - 1962
12 - 1969
13 - 1986
14 - 1982
15 - 1983
16 - 1958
17 - 1974
1958 - cheesy, with bad photos - the Musial looks great, but the Mantle is lame
1959 - Absolutely gorgeous!!!
1960 - Some of my very favorites ever. - Mantle's card is one of my favorite's ever
1961 - I like the newspaper style, but a design incorporating the 61's would have worked better
1962 - Ok - not great, not horrible
1968 - I hate 68's, but these cards are great.
1969 - Somewhat dull
1970 - Gee this seems familiar... 1961?
1974 - The dual all-star cards are bland.
1982 - They all seem a bit washed out.
1983 - As much as I love the 83's, I dislike the All-Star cards
1984 - Simple, but not bad at all
1985 - These incorporate the 85's well
1986 - Just dull
1987 - Actually look better than the actual cards
1988 - The diamond design is fantastic.
1989 - Ok - nothing special
I'd rate them like this:
1 - 1959
2 - 1960
3 - 1968
4 - 1988
5 - 1987
6 - 1985
7 - 1961
8 - 1970
9 - 1984
10 - 1989
11 - 1962
12 - 1969
13 - 1986
14 - 1982
15 - 1983
16 - 1958
17 - 1974
Successful dealings with shootybabitt, LarryP, Doctor K, thedutymon, billsgridirongreats, fattymacs, shagrotn77, pclpads, JMDVM, gumbyfan, itzagoner, rexvos, al032184, gregm13, californiacards3, mccardguy1, BigDaddyBowman, bigreddog, bobbyw8469, burke23, detroitfan2, drewsef, jeff8877, markmac, Goldlabels, swartz1, blee1, EarlsWorld, gseaman25, kcballboy, jimrad, leadoff4, weinhold, Mphilking, milbroco, msassin, meteoriteguy, rbeaton and gameusedhoop.
1) 1984 -- By far the best. Sharp photos and fantastic, clean graphics ---- Favorite cards = Eddie Murray & Tim Raines
2) 1988 -- Eye popping colors and sharp graphics --- Favorite cards = Jack Clark
3) 1987 -- League insignias featured on these, with a solid player selection -- Favorite card = Kirby Puckett
4) 1983 -- Love the big red & blue stars - great player selection --- Favorite card = Rickey Henderson
5) 1982 -- The design is good, but the photo selection on most cards is very disappointing -- Favorite card = George Foster
6) 1986 -- As dull a designe for an all-star card as you can get --- Favorite card = Dwight Gooden
7) 1989 -- Much prefer the National League blue background cards to the A.L. --- Favorite card = Kirk Gibson (wasn't even an all-star)
8) 1985 -- Ranked last for 80s because the photo quality is terrible & poor photo selection. Jeoffrey Leonard's all-star card is the worst of all-time, for quite possibly the worst player to be depicted on an all-star card -- Favorite card = Mike Boddicker
9) 1974 -- Do not like dual all-star or rookie cards --- Favorite card = Carew/Morgan
I'll refrain from ranking the others, but 1968 is better than 1969.
All-Time Favorite All-Star card = Mark Fidrych, 1977
1958: Frank Malzone (lots to choose from here)
1959: Wes Covington
1961: Frank Herrera (who?)
1969: Tommy Helms (say what?)
1970: Felix Millan
1974: Rick Wise
1975: Jeff Burroughs --- one year career
1976: Gene Tenace & Jim Wynn --- push
1977: Randy Jones -- had a nice run, but ugly card/uniform trumps Toby Harrah
1978: 9 Hall of Famers in the strongest group. Burleson gets the nod
1979: Rick Monday & Don Money - push
1980: Darrell Porter
1981: Jim Bibby (he shouldn't even be depicted -- JR Richard started the 1980 game, for goodness sakes!)
1982: Scott McGregor (nice player but historically doesn't hold up)
1983: Pete Vuckovich (gets bonus votes for his ridiculous auto fees)
1984: Johnny Ray
1985: Jeoffrey Leonard (worst All-Star & card of all-time)
1986: Tim Herr
1987: Tony Bernazard (2nd basemen in the 80s don't stack up)
1988: Shane Rawley (another SP one-hit wonder)
1989: Danny Jackson in a landslide
1990: Jeff Ballard
1991: Bobby Thigpen (well deserved but perhaps the biggest one big season player ever)
1992: Bryan Harvey
1993: Travis Fryman & Dave Fleming - push
1994: Mike Stanley
1995: Mike Stanley (I must have missed the Mike Stanley era)
1996: Hideo Nomo (perhaps the strongest year ever)
2002: Derek Lowe (strong year)
2003: Jody Gerut & Randy Wolf - push
2004: Mark Loretta
2005: Morgan Ensberg
1970 All-Stars had 10 HOFers (McCovey, Carew, B. Robinson, Rose, Jackson, Yaz, Aaron, F. Robinson, Bench, Marichal).
Neat thread by the way! Here's how I'd rank them:
1 - 1961
2 - 1969
3 - 1970 [I LOVE exploding newspapers]
4 - 1968
5 - 1962
6 - 1959
7 - 1983
8 - 1958
9 - 1960
10 - 1974
11 - 1988
12 - 1986
13 - 1985
14 - 1984
15 - 1982
16 - 1987
17 - 1989
Edited to add: 1959 also had 11 HOFers if you count Stengel's manager card.
Edited again to add: 1958 had 12 HOFers (Stengel, Musial, Fox, Mathews, Banks, Aparicio, F. Robinson, Williams, Mays, Mantle, Aaron, Spahn)
No more edits, I promise.
bobsbbcards SGC Registry Sets
The card that always messed me up as a kid was the 1975 Topps Bobby Murcer. I was 10, and I had a moderate knowledge of baseball, but certainly was no expert. It listed him as an "A.L. All-Star" and as a Giant. I was trying to figure out all the ways this was possible. Did the Giants play in the AL for a bit? I also didn't realize that the designations were based on playing in the All-Star game and not for being the best player at that position. So, when the 1978 cards came out I was mystified how Don Sutton got the All-Star designation instead of John Candelaria or Tom Seaver.