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FS or FT: Kenner SLU All Sports

I don't know if anyone collects Kenner SLU's. I have several listed below all in excellent shape. If interested, please send a PM. Thanks.

2000 Football

John Elway
Antonio Freeman
Brian Griese
Champ Bailey
Edgerrin James
Mike Alstott
Vinny Testaverde
Peyton Manning

1999 Football

Dan Marino
Randy Moss

1997 Basketball

Stephon Marbury
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Antoine Walker

1998 Basketball

Kobe Bryant

1999 Baseball

Nomar Garciaparra
Pedro Martinez
Ken Griffey, Jr.

Home Run Record Breakers

Sammy Sosa
Mark McGwire

1999 Stadium Stars

Mark McGwire
Nomar Garciaparra

1999 Classic Doubles (Minors to Majors)

Nomar Garciaparra
Ken Griffey, Jr.
Alex Rodriquez
Greg Maddux

Home Run Classic Doubles

Roger Maris/Sammy Sosa
Roger Maris/Mark McGwire
POSITIVE TRANSACTIONS: BKritz; Akuracy503; Rogermjn; MBMiller25; Artimus; JasonM32; Burke23; Alnavman; InitialD; Gregmo32; Ping4u43; Rbdjr1; Rexvos; Drewsef; Italianstallionyankees; Zep33; Samsgirl214; Bunker; Swartz1; MeteoriteGuy; Itzagoner; VitoCo1972; Saucywombat; RaptorsRule04; Dboneesq; Hallco; ldferg; Hawaii76; Epatmythes; Vladguerrero; Calaban7; Cardcounter2; BobS; Recbball; BarkusD; ShootyBabitt: WalterSobchak; Mrmint23; Nightcrawler729


  • Show a little courtesy and put all your items in one thread. No need to bump other threads off the first page by posting 4 different threads at the same time.

    EDIT: Make that 5 threads today.
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