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GTG: 1878 7/8 TF

cheezhedcheezhed Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭✭✭
I know it has issues but I'd like some comments on grade.

Many happy BST transactions


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    If I'm reading and judging the photos correctly in the ANA Grading Standards book, VF-30. But this judgement is only by your pictures.
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    jmj3esqjmj3esq Posts: 5,421
    30 details, scratched.
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    DennisHDennisH Posts: 13,975 ✭✭✭✭✭
    VF35, scratched
    VAM 37
    When in doubt, don't.
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    cheezhedcheezhed Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you everyone.image
    Many happy BST transactions
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    dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,692 ✭✭✭
    xf detail but not a 7/8

    K S
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    It shows more of the underlying tail feathers than the one I have on the Bay now:

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    cheezhedcheezhed Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>xf detail but not a 7/8

    K S >>

    Why would you say it's not a 7/8 when it most obviously is?
    Many happy BST transactions
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    LongacreLongacre Posts: 16,717 ✭✭✭
    40, no sticker. image
    Always took candy from strangers
    Didn't wanna get me no trade
    Never want to be like papa
    Working for the boss every night and day
    --"Happy", by the Rolling Stones (1972)
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    boucharda ... your's is a VAM 33.
    Dave of the cornfields
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    DoctorPaperDoctorPaper Posts: 616 ✭✭✭
    I'm curious about why the OP's coin was not thought to be a 7/8 by DK. Hopefully this is one. Any idea of the VAM? I've had it for exactly 50 years. (I keep VERY complete records!!).

    Wisconsin nationals: gotta love 'em....
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    cheezhedcheezhed Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, that is a 7/8 TF.
    Many happy BST transactions
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    But the real question....is it a:

    1) Joint
    2) Toothpick
    3) Themometer
    4) "Other"

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    dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,692 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>xf detail but not a 7/8

    K S >>

    Why would you say it's not a 7/8 when it most obviously is? >>

    looked like 7/5 or 7/4 from the digi-pic

    K S
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    << <i>boucharda ... your's is a VAM 33. >>

    Correct.....MS 62 VAM 33image
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    cheezhedcheezhed Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>xf detail but not a 7/8

    K S >>

    Why would you say it's not a 7/8 when it most obviously is? >>

    looked like 7/5 or 7/4 from the digi-pic

    K S >>

    Ah, I see.

    The variety as a whole is called 7/8 TF.

    Thanks Karl!
    Many happy BST transactions
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    I wish I could comment on more coins posted in these threads. Unfortunately during daylight hours I'm stuck at work and they employ filters that block most photohosting sites (i.e., photobucket). All I see is a little red x. Boucharda used auctiva and I can see those. It's real frustrating and just hope posters don't think I'm in "ignore" mode. image
    Dave of the cornfields
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    Ah the old 7 over 8 debate! And don't forget "strong" vs "weak". image

    VAM 37 is classified as "strong" ... Vam 33 is "weak" of course, that is, if you send to PCGS. NGC doesn't seem to care.
    Dave of the cornfields
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    BlindedByEgoBlindedByEgo Posts: 10,754 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>xf detail but not a 7/8

    K S >>

    Why would you say it's not a 7/8 when it most obviously is? >>

    looked like 7/5 or 7/4 from the digi-pic

    K S >>

    The variety as a whole is a 7/8, dork.

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