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Looking for some Frank Thomas Submiters

Hello All,
I am trying something new out. I mostly buy my Frank Thomas cards of Ebay but I thought maybe I can get
some more help here. I am currently have the #1 Frank Thomas Master Set and I am looking for some PSA 10's
that I don't have. I was think with current April $4.50 special going on that maybe some of you guys can help me out.

I would be welling to pay $13 plus shipping for any Frank Thomas PSA 10's I currently don't have, I would be welling to pay
more for harder to find cards as well. Well you say what if the card comes back a PSA 9? I would be welling to
pay $3 for any card that comes back a PSA 9 to cut down on any losses. I am looking for people to only submite one of
a card not multiples of a card. Also I ask to see your submission form for the April Special so I don't get a bunch of people
trying to sell me old PSA 9 Frank Thomas cards for $3.

If your intrested I ask that you let me know by posting here or send me a PM with what cards you have. I have a
bunch of Frank Thomas cards that are not currently in the registry and I will let you know if I have them or not. Also
we can work out prices on rare cards before submiting.

LMK if your intrested James

James Jones's Frank Thomas Master Set


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