civil war buckle

Got out again today. Found a civil war buckle. This is my best find to date. Does anyone know how
to clean it or buff it to get it back to a shiny brass?

to clean it or buff it to get it back to a shiny brass?

bath rinse with a light brush,like a toothbrush.
never would have imagined I'd find one here in MN.
Hoarding silver and collecting history
B4 you attempt to clean it.... check out it's approx value Here
<< <i>Where abouts in MN? I used to live in Detroit Lakes and then in Pipestone. >>
In Redwood Falls
<< <i>
If thats based on jealousy then thank you.
"You suck" is a compliment 'round these parts, and you REALLY suck for finding that!
How is it that soilders lost their buckles and what kept their pants up w/o ?
Could it have still been attached to the fallen soilder & you didn't notice ? ewww
Wonder if that gash was made from a saber during battle ?
makes you think !
Some just fell off. I mean, not all of them were beltplates. Some were box plates, from the outside of cartridge boxes. If the box got banged into something and the hooks on it broke, it could have fallen off without being noticed.
Some would have probably been lost in a battlefield situation but others could have been discarded after the war, I suppose.
Here is something I can't remember too well, despite my brief experience as a CW reenactor; namely, whether those belts really served to hold one's pants up or not. I suspect not. After all, most men wore suspenders for that, and a lot of pants didn't have belt loops back then.
In addition to belt plates and box plates, there were also breast plates, which usually had an eagle on them, and which were worn over the chest on a cross-belt.
Edit to ask: what do the hooks (or remnants) on the back of this one look like?
<< <i>Edit to ask: what do the hooks (or remnants) on the back of this one look like? >>
From what I see it is two studs and a hook.
Scott F
<< <i>Looks store bought to me. there aint no union soldiers in reddwood fells, Minnesnowda.
Scott F >>
Thats quite incorrect Scott , Minnesota had plenty of troops at Gettsburg and a few battles of its own.This link was useful.
What makes it appear store bought to you Scott? Im very much a novice at IDing civil war relics and understand there are many replicas out there.
Davbec , can you tell us a little more please on finding it ? How deep was it , other curious finds in the area.Do not give us a precise location as its your site and should remain so.
Davbec , can you tell us a little more please on finding it ? How deep was it , other curious finds in the area.Do not give us a precise location as its your site and should remain so. >>
I've been detecting a camp that was occupied for about two months back in 1863. The location I found the buckle is a corn field which gets tilled up every year which brings new potential each year. The buckle was found about 6 inches down.
Its the back of the buckle that would be the giveaway i think , ive seen quite a few that do not look like that one but i also
found a picture which looks pretty much identical to yours.
You really need a civil war expert to see it , one of those guys can tell more.Ill see if i can post that picture in a bit,looks like yours.