Brazilian modern coinage doubled dies

Can anyone here help? I've always posted over on the US forum but I need some info on how to contact the Brazilian Mint to obtain current and recent sets of the circulating coinage from that country. Also-is anyone here familiar with some of the MONSTER doubled dies found on modern Brazilian coinage, especially on the current issue coins from, I believe, 1998 to around 2002? I would like to obtain both-especially the last. Thanks!!
As far as the Double die Brazilian coins go , the only ones I know of are the 1997 10 centavo , 2000 10 centavo and the 2001 25 centavo.
Out of the 3 the 2000 is the most severe.
My wantlist & references
Brazil does not issue annual coin sets, but you can buy sealed mint bags of circulating coins at face value from Banco Central branches in major cities, though they do not sell them by mail or online. I have several bags of 1998-2002 coins -- I'll have to check them for doubled dies someday.
My apologies for resurrecting a necro-thread from 2009... But I have a Brazilian friend who has found a 50 centavo coin, 1998, with a wicked doubled die in BRASIL.
Anyone familiar with this Doubled Die? Can't find much online about it, no Ebay sold listings.
Last thing I want is to undervalue it and rip off a kind friend (living in a poor village, no less)
Thanks folks.
Mainer in Virginia.