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Do people worry about PVC in the holders for storing their silver bars?

I picked up some silver bars and they came enclosed in PVC, some sealed, some that open up with a little flap. Do people worry about PVC eating into them like they do with coins? I want to take them out, and did with the ones that open and close, but what about the ones that are sealed? They look like the original maker of the bars put them in a fitted enclosure and sealed them. If I ever want to sell them do people like them better sealed in the original PVC holder thing?


  • I have some in the sealed holders from the 70's/late 80's and they look good as new. I don't worry about it.
    Its all relative
  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,060 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nope. It's bullion, who cares? My bullion isn't stored in the same location as my half dimes so I've got no concern of cross contamination if PVC were to attack my bullion. I suppose if I found some on it I might take some Brasso and scrub the crap off if I were in the right mood.
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