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TT today auction 2655 lot 1953 Something is strange about this one.

Could TT have the wrong obverse photo to this coin? TT auction 2655 lot 1953.. Funny thing if you look at the previous coin sold it looks like the same coin, same mistake.

Or did they strike coins like this. I never saw one..


  • i`m not familiar with the coins but something is not right it seems. label says PR and it looks unc. the reverse pic of the slab looks proof.
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  • adamlaneusadamlaneus Posts: 6,969 ✭✭✭
    Nothing wrong with the coin. The slab is a mechanical error as it should say 1991.

    Similar coin on Heritage

    Yes, it's a 'proof'. Yes, that is both sides of the same coin.

    They made coins in the years 1991 through 1993 for the 1994 olympics, with both years on the coin. Confusing.

    One of these days, YaHa needs to learn how to make a link.

    Here is how you do it: I've added tons of spaces so that you can see what to type...don't type the spaces and you have a link.

    [ L = text of the link ] http://www.teletrade.com/coins/lot.asp?auction=2655&lot=1953 [ / L ]

    Wrong forum too. Gah. The mischevious punishment-gnomes have been dispatched.

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