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CoinJunkieCoinJunkie Posts: 8,772 ✭✭✭✭✭
Smile - image
Wink - image
Sad - image
Embarrassment - image
Disgusted - image
Big Grin - image
Mad - image
Shocked - image
Tongue - image
Cool - image
Frown - image
Confused - image
Agree - image
Applause - image
Beer - image
Alert - image
Joy - image
Funny - image
Eagle - image
Balloons - image
Beating Heart - image
Cake - image
Butterfly - image
Clover - image
Cool Sign - image
Crazy - image
Dancing Smiley - image
Drink - image
Heart - image
Jumprope - image
Nervous - image
Bump - image
Music - image
Present - image
Rose - image
Group Hug - image
Good Luck - image
Star - image
Stop - image
Yellow Ribbon - image
Hmmm - image
Blah - image
Argument - image
Doh - image
Angel - image
Birthday - image
Cryin' - image
Daisy - image
Disco - image
I love U - image
Superstar - image
Stupid - image
Kisses - image
Lame - image
Love - image
Party - image
Sick - image
Welcome - image
Zzzzz- image
Ubermad - image
Smart - image
Clown - image
Fish - image
Flirt - image
Censored - image
No - image
Nice Day - image
The Wave - image
Cussing - image
Clown - image
Demon - image
Sleeping - image
Blue Blob - image
For Sale - image
Happy Hour - image
ROFL - image
Ice Cream - image
Jester - image
Mr. Discust - image
Blob - image
Group Smile - image
Devil - image
Google - image
Grrrr - image
Humour - image
I Luv U - image
Group - image
Joker - image
Just Do It - image
Kidding - image
LOL - image
Lots of Love - image
Super - image
Thumbs Up - image
Way to Go - image
You're Welcome - image
What - image
Yikes - image
Yuk - image
Dork - image
Smack - image
Let it Out - image
No Pity - image
Nutty - image
Sleepin' - image
Snowman - image


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