Manny turns down Dodgers 25mil year offer

in Sports Talk
Interesting where it will go from here. The Yankees, Mets, and other teams have said they are not interested.
Boras wants 25-30 million over maybe 4 to 5 years. The Dodgers offered 25 million for 1 year.
I'll just say that this is a business. Manny has the right to agree or disagree with any offer that comes his way.
It's nothing personal with Manny. It's all about the bling with him. Nothing else.
Boras wants 25-30 million over maybe 4 to 5 years. The Dodgers offered 25 million for 1 year.
I'll just say that this is a business. Manny has the right to agree or disagree with any offer that comes his way.
It's nothing personal with Manny. It's all about the bling with him. Nothing else.
<< <i>PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEEASE don't let him come to the Yankees! >>
unless it is for three years, all guaranteed
but he would play very well 19 times a year
Manny is NOT going to get a multi-year deal for more than $18M/per season or more than $25M for one season from ANYBODY - the sooner Boras learns that, the better. He keeps thinking it is still 2005, where money flows like the Mississippi River, and everyone is willing to spend.
The economy is going to CRUSH major league baseball this year, especially since there are about 15 teams with NO realistic shot of making the playoffs. I predict that attendance will be down 10% this year across baseball, if the increases due to the new Yankee Stadium are ignored.
Manny is much more hard headed than Petite and Varitech. They both saw the writing on the wall. I will laugh my butt off if Manny tries to go into spring training unsigned. Maybe he, Bonds and Sosa can form the worlds best softball team. I think Ivan Rodriguez will be available as well.
<< <i>Maybe these guys will just "retire" the way Sammy Sosa (who still says he wants to play) did when they felt they could play and wanted more money. Let them sit out a year and when they realize that they just lost 18 to 20 mil that they will never get a chance to earn ever again maybe they will sighn for a reasonable amount.
Manny is much more hard headed than Petite and Varitech. They both saw the writing on the wall. I will laugh my butt off if Manny tries to go into spring training unsigned. Maybe he, Bonds and Sosa can form the worlds best softball team. I think Ivan Rodriguez will be available as well. >>
Pudge is playing his A** off in winter ball trying to give someone the thought that he can still play in the big leagues. We'll see.
<< <i>Maybe these guys will just "retire" the way Sammy Sosa (who still says he wants to play) did when they felt they could play and wanted more money. Let them sit out a year and when they realize that they just lost 18 to 20 mil that they will never get a chance to earn ever again maybe they will sighn for a reasonable amount.
Manny is much more hard headed than Petite and Varitech. They both saw the writing on the wall. I will laugh my butt off if Manny tries to go into spring training unsigned. Maybe he, Bonds and Sosa can form the worlds best softball team. I think Ivan Rodriguez will be available as well. >>
Yes, great analysis!
The dude is going to be 37 next year. Who in their right mind would sign him for that much for even one year? Well I guess the Dodgers will, but they also signed Juan Pierre to millions, so that doesn't surprise me.
<< <i>
<< <i>Maybe these guys will just "retire" the way Sammy Sosa (who still says he wants to play) did when they felt they could play and wanted more money. Let them sit out a year and when they realize that they just lost 18 to 20 mil that they will never get a chance to earn ever again maybe they will sighn for a reasonable amount.
Manny is much more hard headed than Petite and Varitech. They both saw the writing on the wall. I will laugh my butt off if Manny tries to go into spring training unsigned. Maybe he, Bonds and Sosa can form the worlds best softball team. I think Ivan Rodriguez will be available as well. >>
Pudge is playing his A** off in winter ball trying to give someone the thought that he can still play in the big leagues. We'll see. >>
I could see someone signing Pudge. He's in the top 5 greatest catchers of all time, and like most catchers would provide somewhat a leadership role. I've never heard of him being a distraction or cancer, and though he's getting up in years I bet if he gets enough days off he can still produce.
Of course Jdip9 fails to pony up his position about how the Red Sox were equally at fault for last year's "incident". Perhaps he was just blowing smoke and can't admit it.
Whoever gets #24, GL, he will eventually sour your team and your feeling towards him. If not a cancer, he will surely become a pariah to any team foolish enough to shell out the coin to this egomaniac. He and Boras deserve each other.
Imagine passing up $25m for 6 months of "playing baseball". The season begins roughly on April 1st and ends O/A September 30th, that's more than getting paid ONE MILLION BUCKS per week. TOTAL INSANITY!!
Go find Bill Simmons' article about Manny that he wrote in August, it sums up my feelings exactly, but I will summarize here. If the Red Sox were so "tired of Manny's act" after 7 years as they claimed to be on numerous occasions, why wouldn't they just tell him in July, "Hey Manny, we're not going to pick up your option years", when Manny asked them what they were going to do with him. Manny would have been happy, because he would be a free agent, and would have continued to put up huge numbers. I say "continue" because everyone dogs him for quitting on the team, but they ignore the numbers he put up in July:
22 21 93 75 18 26 6 0 4 16 14 3 15 4 .347 .473 .587 1.060
No, instead the Sox played the "we don't have to make any decisions until November" card, which they had to know was going to piss Manny off, and given his prior history, make their lives miserable. ALL THIS KNOWING FULL WELL THEY HAD NO INTENTION OF KEEPING HIM ON THEIR 2009 ROSTER! If they really wanted him on their roster in 2009, they would have simply picked up his 2009 in July when Manny asked them to.
So after 7 years of HIGH PRODUCTIVITY and 2 World Series titles, they treated him like a piece of meat, and somehow were shocked when Manny pulled his get-out-of-town act? They should have known it was going to end badly.
I think your thought process on Manny is illogical and a bit uninformed. You state option years, the Red Sox had only one option year, not multiple. That you think they should have continued to coddle this ego-maniac and show their hand in July is simply absurb, this in your opinion to not offend a player being paid $20m per season? Ludicrous! The man was under a professional contract to play to the best of his ability until the end of the season, the season did not end in July. HOWEVER, the trading deadline was July 31st. Ramirez for your information was about to be fined and suspended for his dubious claims of illness and lack of professional performance. Might not matter to you, but it sure as hell mattered to me. How many times did he take a called third strike, or trot to first on a ground ball that could have become a hit?
That you think he put up impressive numbers in July last year is laughable. Perhaps you don't watch every Red Sox game, but with the exception of getting screwed on Saturdays, I see them all. Manny failed to act like a professional and it was painfully obvious. That you think because the Red Sox won 2 WS titles while he was with the team that he should be given some kind of carte blanche to act anyway he wants is also laughable. Ramirez contributed to the win, but was not the reason why they won. I am continued to be amused by folks like you who think in reverse, back when and beyond...silly logic. Did he do some good for the Red Sox during the WS drives? Yes. Was he the sole reason they won the titles they did? Emphatically no. treated him like a piece of meat...EXACTLY HOW DID THE RED SOX TREAT HIM LIKE A PIECE OF MEAT??? You are waaaaaaay off the chart partner. Did it ever remotely occur to you that the Red Sox may have been planning to trade him? Do you think they should have told Manny that in July just to appease him? Of course not. But, you stay in the camp that continues to tout how wonderful Manny was to the Red Sox and how he did this and did that, keep your head in the sand and not see the real issue with this guy. Ego, and greed, he already has enough money to buy half the Dominican Republic.
I'm glad this clown is gone from the team, what he did towards the end is unforgiveable in my book. His lack of professionalism, his mind-numbing hubris and self-centered BS did nothing but put a pall over the team and he single-handedly created dissention and grief in the clubhouse. All this on top of the assault on the travelling secretary, which you seem to conveniently overlook and the attack on Youklis. I personally don't give a rat's backside whether Ramirez ever plays baseball again. Any team caving in to his insane demands will only empower him to act even more crazy when the whim strikes.
I'll at least give you a thumb's up for the, I don't need to read the Simmons article, I saw Manny being Manny with my own eyes, and I've seen enough of this bozo.
This is not personal, let us leave it at "spirited debate".
<<<I think your thought process on Manny is illogical and a bit uninformed. You state option years, the Red Sox had only one option year, not multiple.>>>
I understand fully well that they had two 1-year options that they could exercise at both the ends of the 2008 and 2009 seasons.
<<< The man was under a professional contract to play to the best of his ability until the end of the season, the season did not end in July.>>>
I agree
<<< How many times did he take a called third strike, or trot to first on a ground ball that could have become a hit? >>>
With the exception of the game at Yankee Stadium where he watched 3 straight strikes go by, I can't think of another one of these moments that actually cost the Red Sox the game (I'm sure there is probably 1 or 2 though). Sorry I can't get all riled up like the rest of Red Sox Nation every single time Manny didn't hustle. By the way, how many times does Ortiz jog up the line on a ground out to second base??? Quite a bit, but nobody ever gets on him.
<<<<That you think he put up impressive numbers in July last year is laughable. Perhaps you don't watch every Red Sox game, but with the exception of getting screwed on Saturdays, I see them all. Manny failed to act like a professional and it was painfully obvious. That you think because the Red Sox won 2 WS titles while he was with the team that he should be given some kind of carte blanche to act anyway he wants is also laughable. Ramirez contributed to the win, but was not the reason why they won. I am continued to be amused by folks like you who think in reverse, back when and beyond...silly logic. Did he do some good for the Red Sox during the WS drives? Yes. Was he the sole reason they won the titles they did? Emphatically no. >>>>
Really, those numbers I posted aren't impressive? I thought an OPS 1.060 was pretty good, no?
You've clearly missed my point. I never said Manny wasn't at fault, or that his actions towards the travelling secretary or Youk were acceptable (although there were some Red Sox that said off the record they were glad someone challenged Youk after one of his tiresome helmet throwing tirades in the dugout). My point was that the Red Sox clearly did not want him on their team in 2009, and all they had to do was tell him that in July. Instead, they decided to string him along and ultimately had to trade him for 40 cents on the dollar. They could have taken their first round draft pick for losing the Type A free agent, and had Manny playing his ass off for his next contract (as he did in LA), but they chose poorly, and should have known in advance what was coming.
Look, I watch the Red Sox because I like to be entertained. If I wanted to watch a "professional" team play every night, I'd subscribe to the YES Network - and be bored to tears with a team that has ZERO personality and no real connection to their fans (except for Jeter and Mo)....
<<<This is not personal, let us leave it at "spirited debate". >>>
Lastly, I don't take anything you, or anyone, says on these boards personal. Nor did I take "Manny being Manny" personal either, but it is obvious that a lot of Red Sox fans, including yourself, did.
I have no clue how you concluded that I took Manny being Manny personally. How on earth did you deduce that? NOTHING Ramirez does, then, now or for all eternity has any, zip, zero, nada effect on me personally. You are way off base in your assumption. I simply saw a gifted player let his incredible ego go into orbit and totally dis the team and fans. Odd that you would have to inject Ortiz and Youklis into a Ramirez seem to always want to passs the buck or change topic. Actually, I enjoyed some of his silliness, but when he dogged the team intentionally, that was the end for me.
Again, you stated that the Red Sox treated Ramirez like so much meat...did you not know they were about to fine and suspend him? Why tell a player in July that they are thinking of trading him? You seem to want to defend someone who is an incredible head case. And no, the numbers Ramirez put up in July do not denote an eye-opening performance to me. And yes, he looked at strike 3 more than once.
Also noted that you don't think the Red Sox are a professional team, that you'd rather watch the Yankees...therefore I suggest you sell the season tix and take the shuttle to NY and enjoy them in person. A bit of a warped perspecitve stating that the Red Sox are entertainment and that the Yankees are a professional ball club. The obvious inference is that the Red Sox are not a professional team, just makes no sense to me, especially for a season ticket holder.
I only watch on TV because I'm a bit over a thousand miles from Yawkey Way, although a 50" HD plasma does soften the disappointment of not watching in person.
I think I'm done with this.
All I am saying is that in my opinion the situation could have had a different outcome (including a 3rd WS win) had the Red Sox played it differently. There were 3 paths in front of the Red Sox in July - 1. Tell Manny they aren't picking up the option (we have a pretty good from his time with the Dodgers how that would have played out...needless to say, "very well") 2. Tell Manny they will pick up the option (unclear what effects that would have had, although Boras clearly would have been unhappy, so that probably wouldn't have been pretty either) 3. Don't tell Manny anything, and we know how that played out....needless to say, "not very well" BUT THE LARGER POINT IS, IF THE SOX DIDN'T WANT HIM ON THEIR TEAM IN 2009, WHICH WAS CLEARLY THE CASE, THEN WHY DIDN'T THEY CHOOSE #1?
Yes, I realize the Sox were ready to suspend/fine him, but you are talking like the Sox were planning on trading Manny prior to July!! I don't recall hearing a single trade rumor before July 17 (when Henry lashed back against Manny publicly) - and those rumors ALWAYS get out, so it was CLEARLY APPARENT the Sox were hoping to ride out the season with Manny in the fold. Unfortunately, Manny's SELFISH reaction to the Sox's lack of transparency concerning the option year gave the Sox no choice but to trade him, as it was obviously affecting the team. The Red Sox miscalculated the effects of not showing their hand early, and they got burned by having to trade Manny for 40 cents on the dollar.
BTW - Of course I think the Sox are a professional team. Sorry if I misinterpreted your definition of "professional" as it related to Manny, my point was that I enjoy the goofiness that surrounds this team (which Manny was a big part of) and it is much more enjoyable to watch than the team of mercenaries that Cashman puts together every year that clearly have chemistry problems, but appear oh-so "professional" with their short hair and clean shaven faces.