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Odd Headline On The Frontpage of ESPN

JackWESQJackWESQ Posts: 2,133 ✭✭✭
Death is never a laughing or odd matter. But when I opened to the front page of ESPN, I saw the headline Ex-girlfriend of Knicks' Curry killed in Chicago. I found this to be an odd headline. There are, what, approximately 450 players in the NBA (30 teams at 15 players per team). Some married, some not married. Perhaps, if it was the wife or even current girlfriend of a player. But reporting on the ex-girlfriend of a player? I suppose what added to the story was that the ex-girlfriend was the mother of Curry's son. But I still find it a bit odd in it being reported. Call me crazy.

/s/ JackWESQ


  • and at the rate that NBA players tend to have ex-girlfriends (450 x 10,000=4.5 million), you would think it would be the headline everyday.
  • calaban7calaban7 Posts: 3,014 ✭✭✭
    With the born out of wedlock rate in Baltimore City at over 93% , I'm hardly surprized. There are lots of ex-girlfriends over over the country. Now this makes the assumption they were girlfriends. As long as the fathers are not needed or wanted , due to the cradle to the grave mentality , this will most likely always be.

    Odd headline indeed.
    " In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
  • I noticed that headline also, I figured their was some conspiracy coming down the chute about him doing it.
  • Bosox1976Bosox1976 Posts: 8,563 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The editor nixed the "baby mama" moniker.
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