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WESPNEX Show NEWPs Whatcha get?

rld14rld14 Posts: 2,390 ✭✭✭
I'm very glad I made it to this show image Met 2 dealers from here, Jon from Scarsdale Coin who had, as expected, an amazing selection of Trimes, and Larry from Sea Eagle Coins. The show was packed, and, surprisingly to me (As I usually attend the Parsippany show and sometimes the Clifton show) was that it was still busy on the bourse floor at 4pm.

Anyhow, as I am the King of SLQ circulated esoteric stuff I managed to pick up some stuff that has made me happier than... well I won't say it but use your imagination.

I got this from Larry @ Sea Eagle.. a 1917-D T2 that I needed for a cir set, and it's got die cracks through the date! image Turns out this is what the 17-D T2 with the rim cud is just before the rim cud appears. This is how I love my Circulated SLQs, nice original skin. I am happy image

I also got a nice Circulated 21-D Mercury from him as well which I need to photograph...


Couple of Barbers. My photography skills suck, but the 1911 is a Fine, got em both for under $10, could not say no.


Anyhow, back to the SLQs, I really have gotten a bit deranged about hoarding 28-Ss, but the date really interests me. Here's some large S 28-Ss that I picked up, managed to find 2 S/Slanted S RPMs, 1 S/S (S over upright S, the much tougher one) a lousy teardrop one and one that I shouldn't have bought but my eyes tricked me, just a usual G.


Also found this interesting 29-S, appears to be counterstruck but the more I look up close, this appears to be a lamination. I'll get better front and back pics.


Found a couple Small S S/Ds floating around too


I also found these 2, a Small S with a die break NW of the "1" in 1928, which is uncommon, but this is an earlier die state than the other one that I have. The second one has a reverse cud


Up close shot of the die break..


Up close shot of the reverse cud coin... I know it's cleaned and I hate that, but it's the first one I have seen so we'll call it a filler for now. The cud itself is small, just to the left of the "E" in "QUARTER" along the rim.


One of 3 for certain Laminations I picked up.. this one's on the back of a VG 1929


Lamination #2, on the reverse of a gorgeous XF 1930


Lamination #3 on the reverse of a VG 1929


XF 1927 $3.50 Do I suck?


And then these 3 cost me $10, for all of em...


So who else went? What did ya pick up?
Bear's "Growl of Approval" award 10/09 & 3/10 | "YOU SUCK" - PonyExpress8|"F the doctors!" - homerunhall | I hate my car


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