What is this modern football card?

Corey Dillon Totally Certified
I used to collect this set and I know a lot about it. Problem with this card is it is numbered XXXX/0030 which I have never seen before. These cards are ALWAYS numbered like 0016/0030 for example. I chose to collect this set because of the numbering instead of the Mirror Golds because of the spectulation that Mirror Golds were being back doored out of the company and nobody knows exactly how many are made. Did that happen with these cards too? I've never seen the Dillon RC as a Promo and I believe those cards say Promo on them. Do you think these cards were being remade by Pinnacle to make a few bucks or could the card just be a counterfeit?
I used to collect this set and I know a lot about it. Problem with this card is it is numbered XXXX/0030 which I have never seen before. These cards are ALWAYS numbered like 0016/0030 for example. I chose to collect this set because of the numbering instead of the Mirror Golds because of the spectulation that Mirror Golds were being back doored out of the company and nobody knows exactly how many are made. Did that happen with these cards too? I've never seen the Dillon RC as a Promo and I believe those cards say Promo on them. Do you think these cards were being remade by Pinnacle to make a few bucks or could the card just be a counterfeit?