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Help with new ebay account

Hi all,ive just opened a account with ebay & am wondering if any of you
have had bad experiences.Any help as to what 2 do or not 2 do etc.
regarding anythings for newbie. ie. sellers,dealers,postings.
thxs peter


  • Peter, when it comes to eBay it seems you're pretty much on your own. I've had problems with eBay and haven't bought anything in 3 years.
  • When selling, make sure you describe everything properly and have all details in your listing. Try, when ever possible, to always provide tracking. I have sold some cheaper stamps that needed a larger envelope and when payment is received through Paypal, I use the Paypal shipping so my label has a tracking #. This way, if a problem or dispute crops up, you can provide eBay/Paypal all the ducks in a row.

    When buying, look at feedback to get a feel for the seller. Ask all questions BEFORE you bid like certification, gum condition unseen flaws etc. Use Paypal at all times and if you need to enter into a dispute, DO SO BEFORE THEIR TIME LIMITS ARE UP!

    I have had some problems with sellers and buyers, but as long as you do everything right, the fight is way easier.
    At 47, I'm wondering why I'm one of the youngest people at stamp shows!!!!!
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