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Need help in putting together a simple coin set!! I have the coins but what holder to use???

orevilleoreville Posts: 11,897 ✭✭✭✭✭
I need to put together a simple set for about 200 people at a party in about 30 days..

180 of them is a two coin set; the 1959 and 2009 lincoln cent to honor Abraham Lincoln. Hopefully the 2009 cents will be around real soon! I

20 sets is a three coin set; the 1909 cent and the 1959 and 2009 cent. Perhaps it might be easier to keep it a two coin set with the 1909 and 2009 cent in the holder, with the 1959 cent in a separate one coin holder.

I HAVE THE 1909 and 1959 CENTS ALREADY!!!

Keeping costs low would be helpful. I am focused on what holder to use!!!

I suspect there will be others here that will need to do the same thing.

Any suggestions?

A Collectors Universe poster since 1997!


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