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Lost Platinum Sets Poll

GRANDAMGRANDAM Posts: 8,590 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The seller had good intentions, fully insured packages vai Registered Mail and The USPS dropped the ball. He will pay-off all claims as USPS pays him.
      The seller had good intentions but out of inexperience failed to realize the risk he was taking by not fully insuring the packages and by not using Registered mail. He will make it right to his customers out of his own pocket.
        The seller had good intentions but out of inexperience failed to realize the risk he was taking by not fully insuring the packages and by not using Registered mail. He doesn't have the needed cash to make it right and is robbing Peter to pay Paul.
          The seller soon realized he was selling sets way too cheap and deceided to hold on to any unshipped sets and issue refunds.
            It's all a big scam and he will soon be in Costa Rico with the Olsen Twins.
            GrandAm :)
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