I knew they were considering it for awhile and the reasons why. It would make no sense for any players from the Super Bowl to be playing in it because of the risk of injury so I think it would still seem anticlimatic.
Out of all of the sports all star games, the NFL Pro Bowl is the most awkward.
It can't be held during the season since there are only 16 games. Holding it before the Superbowl is a farce since the All Pro selections whose teams make the Superbowl clearly can not play in a pre Superbowl all star game (chance of injury).
The only thing that works is to have it after the Superbowl. However, by that time fans are tired of football and are turning their attention to baseball and college hoops (conference play, with March Madness just around the corner). The players who get selected to play probably think it is a great time to party and they may not pay attention to things, increasing the chance of injury. Teams probably cringe when their all pro players participate in the Pro Bowl activities and game, holding their breath praying for no injury to their "Star".
The few times I have watched the Pro Bowl, I get bored quickly and wonder at how silly it all seems.
The other all star games happen in mid season, halfway through 82 game to 162 game schedules. Given the nature of hoops, hockey and baseball [not as injury prone as football] and given the aim of the games to show off offensive skills with not a whole lot of intense defense [thus less chance of injury], these all stars games are a well timed treat for the players and fans [a short break in the middle of the season to simply have fun and entertain/be entertained]. These other all star games just "fit" better into the overall scheme of the sport.
It can't be held during the season since there are only 16 games. Holding it before the Superbowl is a farce since the All Pro selections whose teams make the Superbowl clearly can not play in a pre Superbowl all star game (chance of injury).
The only thing that works is to have it after the Superbowl. However, by that time fans are tired of football and are turning their attention to baseball and college hoops (conference play, with March Madness just around the corner). The players who get selected to play probably think it is a great time to party and they may not pay attention to things, increasing the chance of injury. Teams probably cringe when their all pro players participate in the Pro Bowl activities and game, holding their breath praying for no injury to their "Star".
The few times I have watched the Pro Bowl, I get bored quickly and wonder at how silly it all seems.
The other all star games happen in mid season, halfway through 82 game to 162 game schedules. Given the nature of hoops, hockey and baseball [not as injury prone as football] and given the aim of the games to show off offensive skills with not a whole lot of intense defense [thus less chance of injury], these all stars games are a well timed treat for the players and fans [a short break in the middle of the season to simply have fun and entertain/be entertained]. These other all star games just "fit" better into the overall scheme of the sport.
Not so with the Pro Bowl.