Kaline's locker went for only $2000 !?!?!?!?

I was just reading the article in SCD about the demolition of Tiger Stadium and
the Auction that happened over a year ago that they did not even send me
an email about! I talked with someone on the phone in 2005 and they assured
me I wouldn't miss it!
Now, I read in the auctions they had seats went for a paltry fixed price of $279
delivered for a pair!
The worse though is....hold on.....I'm sorry, I get all choked up and emotional

Hall of Famer, Al Kaline GOOD OLE #6' locker went for a puny $2000 !
AL KALINE's LOCKER! ARE YOU *&%#$@&*(#))*ing me ? I would have sold
whatever it took to obtain that ! If you bought it, offer it to me!
Some days are just not worth getting out of bed and reading!
