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Silver Libertads

I really like these coins and was hoping to buy a few but they seem scarce and not worth the markup. Seems to me the ASE's are the best bullion value out there.
Liberty on our coins or death!!


  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,085 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's been my experience that it's quite the opposite. I've seen Libertads (especially the old design) being sold cheaper than most ASE's on a regular basis. ASE's garner a relatively heavy premium in my opinion, not as heavy as the Britannias, Pandas or Kagaroos but heavy none the less. I think the most "bang for your buck" in government backed silver bullion coinage would be Austrian Philharmonics or early date Mexican Libertads or even non-commemorative/non-privy marked Canadian Maples.
  • I like the new Libertads, I try to buy a fresh 5oz uncirc or proof every year or two. I bought some older bullion-strike Libertads for less of a premium than ASEs would have cost me.

    Best value in silver bullion is probably 100oz bars. Not too exciting, though.
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