Some whatsits I picked up locally. ID help?

Got these at the local shop.
1. Host coin is Argentine. Any significance to the counterstamp?

2. Jeton of some sort. About the size of a U.S. half dollar. Very thin. Weighs 3.06 grams.

3. My favorite of the three pieces. A token or medal maybe? Silver. About the size of a U.S.
half dollar. Weighs 6.35 grams. Dogs on the front and a neat ship in a storm on the reverse.
1. Host coin is Argentine. Any significance to the counterstamp?

2. Jeton of some sort. About the size of a U.S. half dollar. Very thin. Weighs 3.06 grams.

3. My favorite of the three pieces. A token or medal maybe? Silver. About the size of a U.S.
half dollar. Weighs 6.35 grams. Dogs on the front and a neat ship in a storm on the reverse.

Serie Municipale
DE. LA. PREVOSTE. DE. Mr .LE PRESIDENT.DE.FOVRCY. 1685 (Henri de Fourcy, comte de Chessy, seigneur de Chalifert, etc.) Ses armes.
VNVS.QVI.CVNCTA.SERENAT. Une nef allant a gauche sous le soleil. Derriere elle, la pluie tombe a torrents.
Henri de Fourcy was the mayor(provost of the merchants(prévôt des marchands)) of Paris 1684-1692.