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are the 2009 quarter designs so ugly, that mintages will be low?

Thats right.

Are the 2009 Quarter designs so bad, mintages will be lower. Additionally, as we know these are not states proper, is this a mistake as far as expectations on behalf of the Mint??


  • RWBRWB Posts: 8,082
    Duke Ellington was one of the country’s most talented jazz musicians. His active career encompassed the late 1920s through the early 1960s. He was responsible for the movement of jazz from small combos to larger ensembles and from street corners and bars into the concert hall.

    It is incomprehensible that anyone who took any sort of music class while attending school in the US or Europe would not, at least, recognize the name.

    Ellington’s association with Washington DC is tenuous at best – he was born there, but that is about all. His musical career developed elsewhere and I do not understand why he was selected for the reverse of the DC quarter.

    PS: Poor designs do not equate low production. The state quarters had some that where likely much worse than these next territorials.

  • 291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,266 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The mintages may be lower than normal, but the reason will be the current economic problems, not designs.
    All glory is fleeting.
  • CoinJunkieCoinJunkie Posts: 8,772 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Duke Ellington was one of the country’s most talented jazz musicians. His active career encompassed the late 1920s through the early 1960s. He was responsible for the movement of jazz from small combos to larger ensembles and from street corners and bars into the concert hall.

    It is incomprehensible that anyone who took any sort of music class while attending school in the US or Europe would not, at least, recognize the name.

    Ellington’s association with Washington DC is tenuous at best – he was born there, but that is about all. His musical career developed elsewhere and I do not understand why he was selected for the reverse of the DC quarter.

    PS: Poor designs do not equate low production. The state quarters had some that where likely much worse than these next territorials. >>

    I don't know. I think living somewhere for the first 20 years of one's life is more than a "tenuous connection". He
    may have done his best work after he moved away, but he was shaped by that city.

    As to the poll, none of the options applies to me. I find the coins neither ugly nor particularly charming, although
    I'd lean toward the latter, I guess.
  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,960 ✭✭✭
    2009 Quarters







    Not to mention the new Dollars and Cents.

  • << <i>Duke Ellington was one of the country’s most talented jazz musicians. His active career encompassed the late 1920s through the early 1960s. He was responsible for the movement of jazz from small combos to larger ensembles and from street corners and bars into the concert hall.

    It is incomprehensible that anyone who took any sort of music class while attending school in the US or Europe would not, at least, recognize the name.

    Ellington’s association with Washington DC is tenuous at best – he was born there, but that is about all. His musical career developed elsewhere and I do not understand why he was selected for the reverse of the DC quarter.

    PS: Poor designs do not equate low production. The state quarters had some that where likely much worse than these next territorials. >>

    Its a poll. The Ellington choice was done in humor. WTF is going on that every other reply is some lecture.

    I studied classical music for 20 years and competed. Dont be an ass and dont lecture me. I am well aware he is possibly the most prolific US composer since Copeland. There are those who actually dont know why he is on the D.C. quarter although the man was born there. OH WELL. MOVING ON........While yes, a bad design will not make per se a lower mintage, a bad design or ugly coin can make for sets that do not sell, and sets that can later appreciate, as we already see the lads at the Mint thinning their inventory on stinkers. IMO, these designs are stinkers.

  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    Hasn't stopped them or slowed them down the previous 50 times.
  • RWBRWB Posts: 8,082
    Whitby –

    Sorry that you don’t like lectures. That’s understandable from one as sophisticated and musicologically astute as yourself. I apologize. You, in your great knowledge and musicianship, must have deliberately selected Ellington as the only identifiable human in any of the designs. You then added the offensive infantilism “WTF” as if Ellington were some mindless street thug. Thus, your “humor” was intended to be derogatory and not an accident or simple mistake like the rest of us make. Your point was made and understood.

    Good sir/madam, you might have …studied classical music for 20 years and competed, but your comments call to question whether you learned anything during those two decades, or whether you “competed” in anything more than page turning or licking spit from the stage after the brass players finished a Bruckner symphony.

    Personally, none of the designs work very well. The DC design is possibly the worst because it is trite, superficial and assumes the viewer is ignorant by placing the subject’s name on the piano.

  • << <i>Whitby –

    Sorry that you don’t like lectures. That’s understandable from one as sophisticated and musicologically astute as yourself. I apologize. You, in your great knowledge and musicianship, must have deliberately selected Ellington as the only identifiable human in any of the designs. You then added the offensive infantilism “WTF” as if Ellington were some mindless street thug. Thus, your “humor” was intended to be derogatory and not an accident or simple mistake like the rest of us make. Your point was made and understood.

    Good sir/madam, you might have …studied classical music for 20 years and competed, but your comments call to question whether you learned anything during those two decades, or whether you “competed” in anything more than page turning or licking spit from the stage after the brass players finished a Bruckner symphony.

    Personally, none of the designs work very well. The DC design is possibly the worst because it is trite, superficial and assumes the viewer is ignorant by placing the subject’s name on the piano. >>

    Yes, I was very good. Yes, I was employed in that career. Yes, I had a car accident and now I am partially deaf and the hands dont work very well any more. Folks who use music as a class or education standard really are just emotional cripples who really function as the straw sucking the joy and essence out of life. Its very common and normal for musicians to refer to specific composer in a "vulgar way". Example, with Beethoven, we said hey VD not me.

    I agree with you that the designs are not well done. I also agree, that of all people, Ellington might not have been the best choice. However, as there are a crowd here who are sick of dead presidents, which is far more vulgar than WTF IMO, who should be pleased. BUT, they are SURPRISE not.

    As to you calling into question my ability as a player, I find that rather amusing. If you believe that knowing Duke Ellington confers knowledge of music to a person, bravo to you sir. I am sure by the incredible artwork, everyone would know that was Ellington. If you wish to argue music or question my ability of something I did well at a level you dont have the talent or ability to understand, thats fine by me. I do however assure you sir or madame or whatever freakish combination you may be, you are starting to bore me. Spit on a stage, thats a good one, the mark of amateurs, much like the ones you possibly played with and after you did not have the talent or ability to wow anyone you have that stick up your bum with all of the knowledge you acquired which is the exact equivalent of a music appreciation class in your freshman year in college or perhaps a Jr in high school. I do however wish to thank you as being the epitome of what I avoided in my career and as a collector of coins.

    Snobs are just angry damaged folks who lack talent and their behavior reflects this in totum.

    EDIT: Ellington was not a "Jazz musician". You might want to break out your Columbia house brochure again when boning up on your storehouse of knowledge. He did a tad more than play Jazz on piano.

  • The mint will pump these out.

    The average joe will not save these such as they did with state quarters.

    Of all the designs Ellingtons is more likely to be put aside by some non collectors.

    I couldn't even learn to play the kazoo.
  • RWBRWB Posts: 8,082
    Whitby –
    I know noting of your background except what you have posted. It is unfortunate that your career ended the way it did. Yet, your writings suggest you learned little and understood even less. …you clearly did not enter any level of professional performance musicianship or you would have instantly understood my comments.

    Maybe you were a music teacher – and if so, you deserve considerable credit and honor for that; possibly more than those who performed or wrote or conducted at the professional level – all were once beginners.

    We agree about the awful designs, and that is the extent of it.

  • << <i>Whitby –
    I know noting of your background except what you have posted. It is unfortunate that your career ended the way it did. Yet, your writings suggest you learned little and understood even less. …you clearly did not enter any level of professional performance musicianship or you would have instantly understood my comments.

    Maybe you were a music teacher – and if so, you deserve considerable credit and honor for that; possibly more than those who performed or wrote or conducted at the professional level – all were once beginners.

    We agree about the awful designs, and that is the extent of it. >>

    Teaching was honorable as was playing, however, just a hint, its what you play, not your words. I think you would be amazed at just how ordinary musicians at a professional level are. Its a job to many. Some are lawyers, some are doctors, some folks work just rdinary every day jobs and most musicians, even at the professional level, have this exact attitude. They are not monks nor are they honorable in a fashion any more greater than a coal miner or lawyer or really any other thing. They just can play their instrument very well and thats it. No more and thankfully no less.

    What you learn as a musician you learn to play, sure you can chat about bowings or a specific technique in a specific measure you can even rattle off tunings for chamber music, but the deal is you dont speak, you play. You dont clap with your hands, you shuffle your feet. In short, you shut up and let the music do the talking. The vocabulary is in the music.

    However, I learned a very long time ago, I played to my standard and not to be noble and certainly not to impress anyone but myself. Turns out, I was a pretty harsh judge. I miss it.
  • garsmithgarsmith Posts: 5,894 ✭✭
    I like the VIRGIN island coins

    but they will probably end up with finger prints all over them image
  • I would have thought that in 2009, we could have had a Moon Landing quarter, I mean hey, it will be 40 years........DCarr could teach these folks a thing or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 etc etc etc
  • Cam40Cam40 Posts: 8,146
    Ella, Ella Fitzgerald
    got to mention her if your going to mention Duke Ellington
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    What did you expect? Marion Barry and a crack pipe on the reverse?


    Good for you.
  • DBSTrader2DBSTrader2 Posts: 3,481 ✭✭✭✭
    I just figured it was Marion Barry while on crack who DESIGNED that coin!!imageimage

    Actually, I rather LIKE the other 5 designs!!image

    But that's where i will draw the line.... NO COLLECTING NATIONAL PARK QUARTERS FOR ME!!image

    - - Daveimage

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