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Random thoughts about the lesser known bowl games

Hawaii Bowl - did you even know this one existed? image

Hawaii vs Notre Dame. Now how convenient is that?, quit calling it a bowl game and just label it another home game for Hawaii.
ND fans travel well and after the dismal season they just had a Hawaii vacation seems like a good deal.

MagicJack St. Petersburg Bowl. - Who or what is "MagicJack". I believe this is a new bowl.

Chick-fil-A bowl This used to be Chick fil-A Peach but the "Peach" was dropped several years ago. I'm a sucker for silly sounding
bowl names and this is one of my favorite.

San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl - there is nothing like putting the sponsers name up front and center. image

I really miss the Poulan Weedeater Bowl and the FurnitureGallery.com Bowl. They now have different sponsors but those
were classic bowl names. image


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