bad behavior at Bills games - it's mostly Canadians

in Sports Talk
The say they make up 15-20% of those at Bills games (a high estimate) but yet again this week accounted for 64% of the arrests at the game. Why come here to be so disrespectful? Can they not handle their booze? Guess I need to find some worthwhile Canadian event to attend, get wasted, make a fool of myself, and urinate anywhere I want. Bills fans get a bad enough rep as it is without carpetbagging drunken northern "fans" adding to (actually creating) problems. WHY FEED THIS CRAP? AMERICAN BILLS FANS I CALL ON YOU TO BOYCOTT THE TORONTO GAME - DON'T ATTEND, WATCH, LISTEN,OR READ ABOUT THE GAME LIKE IT NEVER HAPPENED. Why encourage this partnership with those who want to steal our team but whose fans don't have enough respect to come to a game in another country and act civilized?
arrest data story
arrest data story
<< <i>Well, i believe it goes both ways. I cant tell you the number of times that the Canadian anthem has been booed at different sporting events. It is people, doesnt matter where they are from, some will be ignorant, some will be fine. Perk, I gotta disagree with a generalization like that. At the same time, I experienced something very similar to what you are describing when i was in Cali this past summer. Thats just the way it goes. >>
No doubt about it, I really dont think ALL Canadiens are like that but in my 2 experiences in Canada ( both Montreal ) I remember driving and several times people giving us the finger - they must have seen the Massachusetts plates on our car, walking into stores and people NOT holding the door, very unpolite and alot of rudeness.
I have no doubt about what you felt in Montreal, because i had the same feeling when i was And i am from
<< <i>Some might disagree but the two times I went to Canada I found Canadiens to be very ignorant & disrespectful. They Hate Americans and it shows as far as Im concerned, >>
Living and working in Buffalo, I have dealt with a LOT of people from Canada and I have to agree with this statement. Of course it's not all, but it really feels like a majority feel this way.
Locally these Toronto games are being marketed as a way to save the Bills here by increasing the "regional fan base". BS. The games have been sold out for years, all of Western NY is the Bills fan base. It's not even football fans coming to the games, it's people coming while their wives hit the malls (leaving behinds mountains of trash to avoid whatever taxes would be assessed) and just wanting to get wasted and belligerent.
The Toronto games are just a thinly veiled attempt at casting feelers into what the NFL considers a hot and expanding market and seeing if their are enough idiots/ corporate fat cats to buy luxury boxes and tickets at 4-5x the average price they get here. I understand I guess, but it sucks for the fans here that have supported what is usually a pretty mediocre team, selling out just about every game in a decade long playoff drought, through some pretty rough economic times here.
I feel like December 7, 2008 will live in infamy in the minds of WNY football fans as the first of many regular season Bills games played in Toronto. Hopefully Ralph Wilson can live to be 120.
You guys are generalizing horribly, that's really pretty sad actually.
I am from a town in Northern Ontario, many, many miles from southern Ontario and I assure you I DO NOT hate Americans. I lived right near the border of Minnesota and spent many a day in Duluth and the Twin Cities. I've never had a problem, I've never spit or peed on anyone.
Perkdog you're talking about the Montreal/Boston disdain, I am a Canadiens fan through and through and I HATE the Bruins! Now I would never spit or pee on you (as most Canadians wouldn't), but man, to take that experience and generalize all Canadians--truly ignorant dude. Bruins fans do the same to us, so now I guess all Americans are a bunch of Redneck truckers?--I mean it's stupid, we're talking about one of the biggest rivalries in sports history, in a sport where atheletes are actually paid to hit each other (unlike baseball where guys like Don Zimmer and Pedro Martinez square off). The Canadiens don't like the Bruins and the Bruins don't like the Habs, what's wrong with that? You laugh at Canadiens fans who get beat up down at the Fleet Center but you don't think anything should happen to someone with Mass plates? You're joking right?
jlbsquared, you're bitter, and I completely understand this. Remember though, I came from a city that was close to Winnepeg and I used to go watch the Jets (who are now gone), and I might be the biggest Expos fan on these boards (and of course they now reside in Washington). The facts are the Bills just aren't making enough money for their owners and will probably move. I don't want them to go to Toronto because I like the NFL as an American league, but we're talking about one of the fastest growing cities in North America and they've got alot of money up there. As for the guys who get drunk and pee all over, I've heard of it and it sickens me too (part of the reason we got out of Toronto as fast as possible). But don't mistake Torontonians for real Canadians, as they simply aren't. It's the most multicultural city IN THE WORLD, HALF of it's population are immigrants. Let me say that again--Toronto became the FIRST CITY IN THE WORLD to have more immigrants than natives. So why am I being generalized with the rest of them? I hope the Bills stay in Buffalo, but because you see a bunch of guys get rowdy and ignorant in the stands IN TORONTO doesn't make the rest of us all bad.
BTW, when do they vote to secede from the rest of Canada again?
The french Canadians aren't as pleasant.
<< <i>Perkdog you're talking about the Montreal/Boston disdain, I am a Canadiens fan through and through and I HATE the Bruins! Now I would never spit or pee on you (as most Canadians wouldn't), but man, to take that experience and generalize all Canadians--truly ignorant dude. Bruins fans do the same to us, so now I guess all Americans are a bunch of Redneck truckers?--I mean it's stupid, we're talking about one of the biggest rivalries in sports history, in a sport where atheletes are actually paid to hit each other (unlike baseball where guys like Don Zimmer and Pedro Martinez square off). The Canadiens don't like the Bruins and the Bruins don't like the Habs, what's wrong with that? You laugh at Canadiens fans who get beat up down at the Fleet Center but you don't think anything should happen to someone with Mass plates? You're joking right?
Jay >>
OK Jay Hold on. If you took the time to read my second post on this subject I clearly stated I did not think ALL Canadiens are anti-American and or ignorant/rude, that being said maybe we were disrespected in Montreal for no reason other than the Massachusetts plates-I dont know and couldnt care less to be honest- and yes I will laugh at anyone who is STUPID enough to wear a Bruins/Canadien jersey at the opposing rink and enter a crowded bathroom full of drunk guys and yell that the home team sucks- those two kids deserved it and I do think its funny ( They were in their late 20's early 30's, we are not talking about early teenagers ) - that scenario is alot different than just driving around a city and having people throw you the finger and not hold doors for you in stores!
I will not generalize though- Instead based upon my expierience I will say that most people in Montreal are ignorant and are rude.
BTW, I've never been to France -- and I honestly would NOT go there even if you paid my way.
<< <i>Ya, but there are some damn hotties in Montreal. >>
Darn right there are!
6969 St Catherine Street is a pretty fun place to go too
<< <i> I will laugh at anyone who is STUPID enough to wear a Bruins/Canadien jersey at the opposing rink >>
I dont know what the situation was, but, if their was violence simply because someone was wearing the visitors jersey, then that is pathetic. Even if they yelled that the other team sucked or whatever, that does not give anyone the right to do anything. Guess i should be happy to be here, because i do not cheer for the home team, and noone ever has done anything to me, or even made a threat. In fact, in all the years i have been going to games, i have never seen violence once, regardless of what people would yell.
<< <i>
<< <i> I will laugh at anyone who is STUPID enough to wear a Bruins/Canadien jersey at the opposing rink >>
I dont know what the situation was, but, if their was violence simply because someone was wearing the visitors jersey, then that is pathetic. Even if they yelled that the other team sucked or whatever, that does not give anyone the right to do anything. Guess i should be happy to be here, because i do not cheer for the home team, and noone ever has done anything to me, or even made a threat. In fact, in all the years i have been going to games, i have never seen violence once, regardless of what people would yell. >>
Understand it wasnt a vicious beating- they were fine other than a few lumps and bruises, actually a few guys broke it up as soon as one of the montreal guys went down, it wasnt like they were being booted in the head or stomped- I wouldnt ever laugh at something like that, it has happened to me in a few fights and it sucks!
All Im saying as I had a few bad expieriences in Montreal- I dont harbor any ill will towards the Canadien country or its people. Montreal just put a bad taste in my mouth- and I was very courteous and respectful to everyone I had contact with.
that were given all for the purpose of making fun of Americans. The whole thing is rather mean spirited.
I think there is an undercurrent of dislike toward Americans in Canada, not really hatred but a superiority attitude among Canadians
toward the US.
btw - all those in pools, remember that the Bills-Dolphins game this week is being played indoors in Toronto. Outdoors, I'd lean toward the Bills (assuming Edwards would be playing), but with weather a non-factor, Miami should be a lock.
Perkdog, I re-read your post as well and I realize I came on a little too strong as well. What bothers me is that a few days ago right on these boards there was a post about best fans. Guys getting beer poored on them in Pittsburgh or threatened in Philadelphia and because of the passion it's O.K and funny. But it happens in Montreal and the French are ignorant? They are hardcore in Montreal, anything but a cup is a waste of a season for them so at the very least to beat Boston and Toronto are the top of the agenda. And for those that don't know, the leading political party in Quebec are seperatists--they want to be known as a single state/country completely on their own, even though they are essentially smack dab in the middle of Canada. There are approximately 40% of the people who live in the province of Quebec who feel this way. So yes, they don't like the English, I'd be right up there if I didn't wear a Habs jersey to the games.
So overall, the French don't like Americans, and they don't like 90% of Canadians either, so there you go. The rest of Canada certainly doesn't feel that way about the U.S, regardless of what ridiculous propoganda Michigan likes to spew here.
What are all of the other "hate based" posts I have done?
"You hate everything about Canada"
Really? Please list the all the negative things I have said about Canada.
"You are constantly shooting down the NHL and your posts are simply ignorant"
Constantly? Like a year ago I took a few jabs but what since then?
"But STILL, to this day, the NHL outdraws your NBA"
In what? TV ratings, attendance? I doubt in either, at least in the US but I don't really care about the NBA so it means nothing to me.
"And one of your American franchises wants to come north of the border in the NFL--can we really be all that bad?"
I never said Canada was "all bad" just that there is an undercurrent of resentment towards the US and I stand by that statement. It makes
sense for the Bills to relocate to a larger market if they wish to.
"So overall, the French don't like Americans, and they don't like 90% of Canadians either, so there you go."
Seems like you have a "hate" problem, you don't even like your fellow citizens.
This poor guy really can't stand some jabs toward the NHL from a year ago, and he is still carrying a grudge. How pathetic is that?