Interesting variety on this Roman Billon Tetradrachm

I was trying to ID this piece and found a very similar coin at THIS site. To my understanding, this piece shows Samonina, wife of the emperor Gallienus. It is from the year 14 of the reign (266/267). This piece is bronze.
Any info is appreciated.

Any info is appreciated.

Some coins are just plain "Interesting"
The obverse legend (anglicised) CORNELIA SALONEINA SEB - that's Salonina, empress and wife of Gallienus. Reverse inscription LID (where "L" is a symbol that means "year") = Year 14 of the reign of Gallienus (= 266/267 AD). [
Herte's a similar one on CoinArchives, though the date is written slightly differently. The coin is listed in the millennium edition of the Sear catalogue of Roman coins (which includes Roman Egypt, but not the other provincials) as number 10717.
<< <i>This piece is bronze. >>
Actually, these are made of a billon alloy known as "potin" - nominally a small amount of silver, but alloyed with a large amount of whatever scrap metal was lying around - copper, iron, tin, lead, whatever. Potin coins generally do not preserve well, and are more susceptible than ordinary copper, bronze or brass to corrosion; we only have plenty of these coins surviving today because of Egypt's relatively dry, stable climate.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
Thank you so much for the information. I really appreciate your help and
am amazed at the depth of knowledge on these boards. I do not often venture from
the lightside, but when I do I am usually humbled.
My daughter (16 years old) had asked me to pick her up a Roman piece for her collection and I don't know what drew me to this particular coin, but I really liked the look of this. I do not follow or collect coins from this era so I purchased this on impulse, but I am one of those guys that likes to learn as I go.
Thank you again for your insight.
Nice coin.
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