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Newp - Brazil 1819 R 960 Reis

My newest purchase in an NGC AU50 slab. I've read that these are usually struck over mexican 8 Reales. I can see a trace of something around the lettering but can't really identify anything.



  • mnemtsas2mnemtsas2 Posts: 745 ✭✭✭
    Very nice indeed. These are among my favorite coins and I am just waiting for another one I just bought from a forum member. They are indeed struck over 8R coins and one of the most interesting things to do with them is to try to identify the host coin.
    Successful trades with Syracusian, DeiGratia, LordM, WWW, theboz11, CCC2010, Hyperion, ajaan, wybrit, Dennis88 and many others.
  • newsmannewsman Posts: 2,658 ✭✭✭
    It's an 8 reales from Lima. I can make out the mintmark, but not the date or moneyer's initials. It's a very nice example, with lots of the undercoin showing. image
  • shirohniichanshirohniichan Posts: 4,992 ✭✭✭
    Cool coin.

    Back in 1977 or so I read a CoinAge article about making a coin table (a small glass-covered coffee table to display unusual coins in as a conversation starter). This was one of the coins, along with a Maria Theresa taler, a Japanese ichibu gin, and a few other inexpensive coins.

    The story behind the coin makes the coin so interesting. I like the fact that the host coins can be so easily identifiable. The fact that they were struck for the Portuguese crown in exile from Napoleon makes it even better. image
    Obscurum per obscurius
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