Holy counterstamp! Is that it right dead in the middle on both sides? Very cool! I looked and looked for the usual small character but did not see one, then I noticed the obvious!
<< <i>Holy counterstamp! Is that it right dead in the middle on both sides? Very cool! I looked and looked for the usual small character but did not see one, then I noticed the obvious! >>
yep, legitimizing foreign coins for use in your own country requires something like this I guess
<< <i>Holy counterstamp! Is that it right dead in the middle on both sides? Very cool! I looked and looked for the usual small character but did not see one, then I noticed the obvious! >>
yep, legitimizing foreign coins for use in your own country requires something like this I guess
1/2 Cents
U.S. Revenue Stamps
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428