1964 Austrian Proof Set in OGP - Is this worth much?

My dad bought me one of these sets when I was a kid. The quality of the coins in the set is not very good. They do not look like proof coins made in the USA at the same time. Further, none of the coins are made of Precious Metal.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
The coins are in a cardboard holder with holes cut in it (like 1947-58 US Mint Sets) and the cardboard holder is stored inside of a clear plastic envelope (sort of like a big flip). The cardboard holder itself is colored red and white and has Austrian Proof Set embossed on the holder in black ink.
The 5, 10, 25, and 50 Schillings are silver if I'm not mistaken.
Here's one for $37.50
Welcome to the darkside btw!