Home World & Ancient Coins Forum


I realize the old thread is only a few posts below, but it's more than a week old.. time for a fresh one, eh?

UPDATE: Take 20% off all books listed at my Half.com page when ordered via PM!

ALSO: I added a few mint and proof sets to the page. And some euro coinage, though lots more still to list.

I've slashed prices on my sale list. Just about everything is below book, and with 2 or 3 exceptions, well below my cost! I really need to get things moving and raise some cash.

I also priced a bit of silver at or near spot.

If you can't find something at these prices you're as broke as I am! image

Coins, banknotes, notes, AAFES pogs, books and maps for sale

A few teasers:

AUSTRIA 1 corona, 1908, 60th Anniversary - PL BU -- $13 $12

ITALY 1 cent., 1914, repunched 1 - Nice AU -- $5 (KM = $7/XF, 20/UNC)

SWEDEN 1 Krone, 1935 - Gem BU -- $16 $15 SOLD

... many more coins and pics at the link!

Civic Coins and Civic Politics in the Roman East, A.D. 180-275 -- $180 $130
by Kenneth Harl. 1987.

Modern Copper Coins of the Muhammadan States -- $22 $20
by W.H. Valentine. Spink, 1911.

Excavations at Jerusalem. 1894-1897. -- $99 $85
By Frederick Jones Bliss, Ph.D., Explorer to the Fund, Author of 'A Mound of Many Cities.'
Published by The Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund. 1898.

A Journal Comprising an Account of the Loss of the Brig Commerce -- $30 $26
by Archibald Robbins. Published by Silas Andrus & Son, Hartford, 1847.

... and much, much more!


  • newsmannewsman Posts: 2,658 ✭✭✭
    Canada 1929 10c NGC MS62 $60
    Chile 1896 10c ICG MS63 $20
    France 1888A 1 franc NGC MS61 $60
    Japan 1914 1 yen NGC MS62 $100
    Luxembourg 1930 25c bronze NGC MS65RD $100
    Mexico 1912 20c PCGS VF35 scarce date $50
    Mexico 1927 5c PCGS AU55 $110
    Mexico 1935 20c bronze PCGS AU53 $50
    Mexico 1935 50c NGC MS64 $25
    Portuguese Guinea 1952 2.5 escudos NGC MS63 $15
    Swiss-Geneva 1839 2c ANACS MS61 $55
    Swiss-Geneva 1840 5c ANACS MS63 $35
    Switzerland 1912 2 rappen ANACS MS61BN $25
    Venezuela 1936 5 bolivares PCGS VF25 $20
  • The 20 Mark Pattern is bronze and NGC PF64 - On Ebay SOLD
    The 3 Mark is PCGS PF65 Cam - On Ebay SOLD
    The Luxembourg 250 Franc is raw-MS64/65 - On Ebay SOLD

    The Goetz Silver Satirical Medal is purplish toned, super high relief and raw. $250 Shipped


  • ajaanajaan Posts: 17,461 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Chinese/Korean/Japanese 'Cash' coins:

    unattributed: 35c each
    attribluted: 55c each

    Order 1-500

    Orders shipped postpaid uninsured to US. PayPal accepted on orders more than $8.00

    'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'

    CU #3245 B.N.A. #428

  • Terms:

    FREE shipping, handling, and insurance to USA addresses. Payment by PayPal preferred, but will accept personal checks
    and money orders (USA banks) from members with a known track record. Usually ship within 1-2 business days of receiving good funds.
    5 day return privilege, for any reason, from your date of receipt. If you have any questions, please ask them via PM. Note: In most
    cases, coins in hand are better than images! Coins absolutely guaranteed genuine, for life!

    10/27/08 - Take 10% off of these already low prices when your order totals $100 or more...

    Collecting large coins of the 12 Caesars (and later) does not have to be expensive. From time to time, I will list available coins in
    this space.

    BTW, you may wonder what the "S-C" on the coins below

    S. C.-- Senatus Consultum. The letters placed in the reverse
    (generally on each side of the type, but sometimes below it)
    intimate that the coins were struck by the public authority
    of the Senate, according to the constitution of the republic,
    and the laws of the Roman mint.

    First up, a nice 28mm AE As of Claudius, who ruled from 41-54 AD. $40 OBO


    Next, a nice 26mm AE As of Augustus, who ruled from 27 BC - 14 AD. $35 OBO RESERVED


    Here is a big (30mm, 25.38g) Sestertius of Hadrian, who ruled from 117-138 AD. $30 OBO


    Here is an AE As of Tiberius, who ruled from 14-37 AD. $30 OBO


    Here is a very nice AE As of Germanicus (issued by his brother
    Claudius) from 42 AD. Much, much better in hand. $40 OBO


    Another nice 28mm AE As of Claudius, who ruled from 41-54 AD. $35 OBO


    Here is a nice AE As of Germanicus (issued by his son
    Caligula) from 37-38 AD. Much better in hand. $30 OBO


    An AE Sestertius of Faustina II (Junior), 128-175 AD, Daughter of Antoninus Pius
    and Faustina Sr. and wife of Marcus Aurelius. $20 OBO


    Another nice 28mm AE As of Claudius, who ruled from 41-54 AD. $35 OBO
    Hard to image - the coin is much better in hand...


    Here is a nice 25mm AE As of Antoninus Pius, who ruled from 138-161 AD. $30 OBO
    Nice portrait...


    Here is a 25mm AE As of Claudius, who ruled from 41-54 AD. $20 OBO
    A bargain, better in hand...


    A large/heavy 28mm (11.24g) Budget AE As of Augustus, who ruled from 27 BC - 14 AD. $20 OBO


    A large/heavy 29mm (11.87g) AE As of Claudius, who ruled from 41-54 AD. $25 OBO


    Interesting Lot of 75 Uncleaned and Semi-Cleaned later Roman Bronzes at a bargain price. Coins have been soaked in DW (distilled
    water) for a couple of months. This lot would be a great coin project for the winter, as many of the coins will end up being
    VF or better when properly cleaned. All exhibit details already, and some just need simple detail cleaning. Unpicked by me,
    there may be scarce or rare coins included. See the scan. Various sizes, emperors, and reverse types. May include Byzantine
    and Roman Provincials, and perhaps a Greek or two. Detailed cleaning instructions sent with order! Much better than the dreck
    being sold on eBay...

    $125.00 OBO, which works out to less than $1.70 per coin. SORRY, THIS ITEM IS SOLD


    LARGE EXONUMIA LOT - $150 OBO (delivered)

    Big lot of the remainder from a dealer's inventory. Aproximately 386
    tokens, medals, wooden nickels, tax tokens, good fors, etc. Lot is
    housed in 2 large 8/2 x 11 inch binders, in clearly marked 2x2s and
    identified and priced. Some duplication, but not much - lots of variety.
    Retail prices as marked total about $400.00, and are in the $.50 to
    $5.00 range. Be sure to check out the images at the link below.

    I've imaged this lot page by page, so that you know exactly what you are getting.
    The images are about 75% real size, give or take a bit. Here are the pages:

    Page 1
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    Thanks for looking,

    John C. Knudsen, LM ANA 2342, LM CSNS 337
    SFC, US Army (Ret.) 1974-1994
  • Please see my Ebay link in my signline.

    There's something for everyone.

    British, German, South African, Dutch............

    The meaning of life ? I don't know but I am sure that coins have something to do with it.

    Zar's Ebay
  • rwyarmchrwyarmch Posts: 1,010 ✭✭✭✭
    FSH - Here's a few attractively priced items in nice condition. Pay by check or money order and return any item
    if you're not completely happy!

    Belgium medal -48mm $45 shipped within US - SOLD


    J.Wiener medal - 50mm Hotel de Ville - $75 shipped within US


    British token references by R.C.Bell

    "Commercial tokens 1787-1804" 1965 - 319 pps, excellent condition, loads of info on the commercial Conders, terrible photos - $45 shipped within US

    "Unofficial farthings 1820-1870" 1975 - 248 pps, excellent condition, dust jacket - $45 shipped within US

  • I have some stuff on my Ebay page
    Highlights below and 30+ more items
    Does anyone know where I can locate a volume 2 Mazard

    1872 Bolivia Un Boliviano

    1883 Japan Yen

    1887 England 6 Pence Rianbow Toning

    1722 Netherlands Holland 6 Stuivers
    show me the money image

    My eBay
  • a039a039 Posts: 1,546
    Mixed toner lot $80 shipped.The Great Britain 2 Shilling is just dark grey from head on.






  • 1960NYGiants1960NYGiants Posts: 3,509 ✭✭✭✭
    Here is my current Greyside sell / trade list:

    Date : Denom : TPG : Grade : CCN Trends : Sell
    1896 : 1c : PCGS : MS64RB : $400 : $280
    1913 : 1c : PCGS : MS66BN : $1,300 : $900
    1915 : 1c : PCGS : MS64RB : $250 : $175
    1935 : 1c : PCGS : MS64RB : $100 : $70
    1940 : 1c : PCGS : MS65RD : $85 : $60
    1884 : 5c : PCGS : G06 : $100 : $70
    1925 : 5c : PCGS : XF40 : $300 : $210
    1930 : 5c : PCGS : AU55 : $45 : $30
    1960 : 10c : PCGS : PL64 : $15 : $10
    1937 : 25c : PCGS : MS64 Pittman : $100 : $70
    1960 : 25c : PCGS : PL66 : $45 : $30
    1937 : 50c : PCGS : MS62 : $85 : $60
    1958 : $1 : PCGS : MS64 : $75 : $50
    1964 : $1 : PCGS : PL63 : $12 : $9
    1964 : $1 : PCGS : PL64 : $15 : $10

    1939 : 5c : ICCS : MS64 : $275 : $190
    1942 : 5c : ICCS : MS65 : $325 : $225

    1907 : 10c : ICG : VF35 : $40 : $25
    1910 : 10c : ICG : EF45 : $55 : $35

    1936 : 1c : NGC : MS65RD Pittman : $325 : $225
    1899 : 10c : NGC : VF25 small 99 : $120 : $85
    1943 : 10c : NGC : MS64 : $75 : $55
    1945 : 10c : NGC : MS64 Pittman : $70 : $50
    1950 : 10c : NGC : MS64 : $30 : $20
    1957 : 10c : NGC : MS64 : $9 : $6
    1902 : 25c : NGC : AU53 : $450 : $315

    Free shipping in US + Canada, others add $3. Prefer check or money order, Paypal OK please add 3%.

    WANTED to buy: PCGS only
    1931, 1932, 1933 5 cents MS62+
    1908, 1909 10 cents EF+
    1907, 1908, 1914, 1916, 1920, 1930, 1931 25 cents EF+
    1941, 1950 50 cents MS63+


    Life member #369 of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association
    Member of Canadian Association of Token Collectors

    Collector of:
    Canadian coins and pre-confederation tokens
    Darkside proof/mint sets dated 1960
    My Ebay
  • theboz11theboz11 Posts: 6,576 ✭✭✭
    Globalcoin, that is some beautiful stuff you have on the bay of E. Worthy of bids for sure.
  • AuldFartteAuldFartte Posts: 4,597 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Globalcoin, that is some beautiful stuff you have on the bay of E. Worthy of bids for sure. >>

    image already bid on one ...

    My OmniCoin Collection
    My BankNoteBank Collection
    Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
  • Thanks

    Take all you want
    show me the money image

    My eBay

  • << <i>

    << <i>Globalcoin, that is some beautiful stuff you have on the bay of E. Worthy of bids for sure. >>

    image already bid on one ... >>

    Yep. I am bidding on a couple too.


    Successful BST transactions with:CollectorsCoins, farthing, Filacoins, LordMarcovan, Duki, Spoon, Jinx86, ubercollector, hammered54
    LochNess and ProfHaroldHill

  • theboz11theboz11 Posts: 6,576 ✭✭✭
    They are going off tonight, hope I'm not bidding against one of you.image
  • savoyspecialsavoyspecial Posts: 7,296 ✭✭✭✭


  • TwoKopeikiTwoKopeiki Posts: 9,740 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have this 1776 Germany-Saxony Thaler up for sale:

    $0.99 - no reserve


    Also put-up an interesting War of Independence double-counterstamped 1 Real to see if I can get more information on it (or someone crazy enough to "BIN" image ).

  • Dan, may I have more information about these cash coins? Pics will be greatly appreciated. I can be reached via microimm at gmail.com. Thanks.

    << <i>Chinese/Korean/Japanese 'Cash' coins:

    unattributed: 35c each
    attribluted: 55c each

    Order 1-500

    Orders shipped postpaid uninsured to US. PayPal accepted on orders more than $8.00 >>

  • Affordable Eliasberg Gold......please see my Ebay linky. image
    The meaning of life ? I don't know but I am sure that coins have something to do with it.

    Zar's Ebay
  • ASUtoddASUtodd Posts: 1,312 ✭✭
    MY version of affordable is under $100..... therefore that makes just about all gold out of my reach!!! Nice coins though... can't wait for my German coins to get here.... Again, thanks for the great deal!
  • Got some more stuff up for this week on Ebay

    Here are some highlights
    1852A France 10 Centimes NGC MS62 BN
    1912 Nicaragua 10c NGC MS61 Better Date
    AH 1277/14 Egypt 10 Para NGC MS64 NICE
    1955 Ireland 1 Shilling NGC MS66 SWEET
    show me the money image

    My eBay
  • In an effort to clean up my office I listed an eclectic group of world coins on eBay. There is a silver 1907 Philippine 50 centavo, 3 New Zealand 3 pence coin, China 10 cash and more. I'm hoping someone will think the group is worth 99 cents + postage.
  • ormandhormandh Posts: 3,111 ✭✭✭
    Here are a few from me. Add $1 for shipping for any coin less than $40. Anything over $40 will include insurance and will be $3.85.
    All coins will be shipped in a cardboard mailer in a legal envelope or bubble mailer, depending on how many coins you buy. I accept paypal.

    Here is a toned coin from Brazil. the colors are actually really dark on this one. It may have been cleaned long ago, but the color is amazing. $10


    This is a nice cone from Peru. It is a 2 reales silver minted in Lima. $30-ON HOLD


    Peru 1/2 Sol. This is a nice AU coin. It has a rim hit at 9'oclock on the reverse. $20


    This Greek 1 Drachma coin I am selling for $25


    This Canadian 1859 Large cent was in the post I had the other day. It is dirty, but a nice variety. Sold

    Here is a Mexican 8 reales silver from the Guanajuato mint. Sold

    This is a nice common Au 5 centavos copper-nickel coin. It has a rim hit at the bottom of the reverse. $8

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