coins from my old junk box

Still going through cigar boxes of old coins that I have had for years and don't know where I got them. Friends through the years have given them to me. I found a 1909j five pfennig in bu from germany-book value $190. Also a one quarter yang from Korea in xf-book value $350. Great weekend.
Proud recipiant of the Lord M "you suck award-March-2008"
I am currently going through some "older" postings here on CU and just came across this one of yours. I would be willing to trade for that 5 pfennig of yours, cash is a little (OK, a lot) short/tight right now. What are you interested in collecting? I may have an avenue to trade for and acquire something you might be looking for in exchange for that '09-J 5 pfennig of yours. Shoot me a PM or reply in what you are might be interested in exchange for that coin (got any pics to share)?
1836 Capped Liberty
dime. My oldest US
detecting find so far.
I dig almost every
signal I get for the most
part. Go figure...
Please upload some photos..