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Looking for help attributing two Large Cents

I bought a lot of 1798 Large Cents and they came with Grellman cards but not sure which of these is the S-163 and which is the S-166. The S-163 is graded F2 and the S-166 AG3. I thought based on grades the second coin looks stronger and is the S-166. Thanks for any help. It would be nice to get a couple opinions for confirmation.



  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275
    Wow, that looks like it's going to be one difficult task to complete.

    BUT, I'm up for a challenge!!! image

    Actually, it wasn't too difficult to attribute the two.
    The top pair is S-163. Notice the postion of the "D" in UNITED when compared to the leaf just below it. (just one marker I noticed right away that differs from S-166).
    The bottow, if we go by process of elimination, is S-166. Look at the same position as S-163, and you will notice the die crack through E which helps us recognize this variety.
  • Thank you
  • TwoSides2aCoinTwoSides2aCoin Posts: 44,214 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That's impressive, Stone. Would you be interested in joining a symposium of scholarly gentlemen on an annual basis, to help mentor others who enjoy the study of numismatics ?
  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275

    << <i>That's impressive, Stone. Would you be interested in joining a symposium of scholarly gentlemen on an annual basis, to help mentor others who enjoy the study of numismatics ? >>

    I can't tell if that's sarcasm, but if it isn't then I would be flattered to join the symposium.

    I actually find it fun to attribute these early copper and silver coins, so Jim, Your Welcome image
  • joecopperjoecopper Posts: 1,195 ✭✭✭
    I agree, bottom is the 166

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