India 1948 Gandhi Specimen Set
in Stamps Forum
Hello folks,
This auction started on eBay for around $2000.00 and ended today for around $22,000.
Very little information was given in the descrption, so I was wondering if one of the experts around these parts could explain to me why this set is so valuable?
This auction started on eBay for around $2000.00 and ended today for around $22,000.
Very little information was given in the descrption, so I was wondering if one of the experts around these parts could explain to me why this set is so valuable?
Clearly someone is in the know over there. That turned into a pretty pricey bidding war!
Gandhi Stamps (the 1st 1948 series) were not printed in India, and were printed by Courvoiser S.A. a then printing firm in Switzerland. Only 50 folders were made available by the Goverment of India for distribution to dignitaries and celebrities, present at a function organised by Courvoiser at Geneva, Switzerland. Out of those 50 many of them have either the stamps removed or destroyed. At present only 23 such folders (with stamps overprinted 'Specimen') exists. For a die hard Gandhi collector its a prized possession. For your information the same set overprinted 'Service' is valued at more than US$ 40,000/- that is twice the cost of the Specimen folder.
Any thing more need to be known as for Gandhi stamps please email me at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Yogi Mehta"
Guess I was right on the "super rare presentation book" statement I made on an earlier post.
Thanks for passing along the info, edueku.