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German Parzival silver medal

I found a seller in Austria offering the medal illustrated here. It appears to be part of a series of German Gods and Heroes from the 1980s. Does anyone here have any more information about it?


  • trozautrozau Posts: 3,455 ✭✭✭

    << <i>image >>

    Kewl design! image
    trozau (troy ounce gold)
  • harashaharasha Posts: 3,098 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I believe the eagle on the reverse is the same on the first of the commemorative 5 Marks coins issued by (then) the Federal Republic of Germany. KM113 in 1952, I believe.

    How many mm in diameter is the medal?
    Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis

  • The medal is 40 mm and the eagle is an Ostrogothic brooch made of gold and encrusted with garnets. It is in the German National Museum in Nuremburg.
    That eagle is the common reverse to a set of 15 medals in silver and bronze.

  • That is Sir Percival hunting the Holy Grail (from Chaucers Canterbury Tales and Wagners Opera.)
    The one below that is Wotan (Odin- Father of Gods) Norse Mythology
    Below that the Shape Changer Loki from Norse Mythology
    Next to Loki is the Emporer Friedrich Barbarossa
    Below him is the Valkyrie Brunhilde from Norse Mythology
    Upper right is King Arthur of the Round Table
    I can't make out too many of the others but I hope that helps...
  • Thanx.
    I'm just partial to the Parzival medal, but found it's origin in the full set.
    Doesn't seem to be known outside of Europe.

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