Home Precious Metals

PM show report... Titusville, FL.

This is the smallest show in the country.... 11 dealers......


a few, VERY FEW, 1 oz's rounds at $15-17 a pop..... [Passed].
[1 dealer sold a 1 oz round porno "heads you win--tails you lose" round for $18... big deal].

No 90%.


Various misc. foriegn gold, not much to speak of....

1 dealer had unlimited[200+] supply of K-Rands at $900 each, FIRM.... he sold quite a few!!...[Passed].

1 dealer had 10 1/10 eagles and 5 1 oz. eagles at $860 per oz. [ Bought all 6 oz's]

Numismatic..... Mostly over priced, common, modern with 1 dealer having a really nice spread of type..... NOT A SINGLE NUMISMATIC SALE...

Hope to do better at tomorrows show!!

Keep on stack'n!!
Silver Baron
Silver is the mortar that binds the bricks of loyalty.


  • Yep, I went to that coin show also - probably spent less than 5 minutes. I agree that it's probably the smallest show in the country. Hopefully I'll find some treasures at the Melbourne show today.
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