Home Precious Metals

First Spouse Drive-By in D.C.

I was in D.C. last week and swung by the Mint store in Union Station. Was thinking about picking up a Louisa Adams, but they had NO First Spouse coins at all. I asked the guy if they ever got them, and he said he'd only received a few Dolly Madisons (I think) and that was it. I find it interesting that the Mint seems to hardly care about these at all. Of course, they've crashed and burned, but you'd think they'd at least want to have them available for the few people who are interested. I contented myself with a 1/4-ounce unc buff, which is really a gorgeous coin.
Winner of the Coveted Devil Award June 8th, 2010


  • FullStrikeFullStrike Posts: 4,353 ✭✭✭
    Retailer tend to stock popular items that actually move. Sluggish or dead items are not worth the bother.

    For example - just try to find a dial-up modem for a computer - very hard to do.
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