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Interesting Read: Bill Simmons' take on Manny

ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 13,009 ✭✭✭✭✭
Simmons Manny Article

Lately I think Bill Simmons has "gone Hollywood", and this article reflects that somewhat. However, I do not disagree that Scott Boras is likely behind many, if not all of Manny's antics this season. Also, I agree that LA fits his personality better, but would not be surprised if Bor-Ass convinces him to sign with the Yankees if that means more $$$$ in Bor-Ass' pocket.


  • bman90278bman90278 Posts: 3,453 ✭✭✭
    I love having Manny is LA, but it scares me knowing he has Boras as an agent. In the last 10 years Boras has really stuck it to the Dodgers in his negotiating. Anyone remember how the Dodgers ended up offering Kevin Brown many millions more than his other best offer? Ouch, Baseball and other sports needs to really have some strict guidelines in regards to sports agents.

  • I pray The Yanks do not sign Manny.
  • ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 13,009 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I pray The Yanks do not sign Manny. >>

    Pray hard, because despite protests from Cashman, the Bros. Steinbrenner may not be able to resist the smooth talking Bor-Ass, with an assist from Pay-Rod.
  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 31,226 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Regardless here is MY take on Manny- screw him, he has done nothing but run his mouth about how unhappy he was in Boston and for what reason? Was he not treated well and embraced by Sox fans? We put up with his sometimes "cute" sometimes annoying "Manny being Manny" crap only because he was posting good numbers but to even think he might have dogged it because of his agent is total BS. He is his own man and for him to let down his teamates is unnaceptable IMO. I used to be the biggest Manny lover but its good riddance as far as Im concerned. I hope we pay Jason Bay more than what Manny gets in his next contract just out of spite.
  • MeteoriteGuyMeteoriteGuy Posts: 7,140 ✭✭

    << <i>Regardless here is MY take on Manny- screw him, he has done nothing but run his mouth about how unhappy he was in Boston and for what reason? Was he not treated well and embraced by Sox fans? We put up with his sometimes "cute" sometimes annoying "Manny being Manny" crap only because he was posting good numbers but to even think he might have dogged it because of his agent is total BS. He is his own man and for him to let down his teamates is unnaceptable IMO. I used to be the biggest Manny lover but its good riddance as far as Im concerned. I hope we pay Jason Bay more than what Manny gets in his next contract just out of spite. >>

    I agree, or at least with the just of your statement as it is exactly what almost every Red Sox and sports media person has stated. Although Simmons did bring up a good point about the Red Sox not giving him a temp. suspension, but rather kind of watched a slow motion train wreck, part of which they could have avoided. However, I do not think "Manny being Manny" is his agents fault. Let's face it, the agents job is to go after money, which he did.

    Glad to see him fit in better (at least for the time being) in LA.
    Collecting PSA graded Steve Young, Marcus Allen, Bret Saberhagen and 1980s Topps Cards.
    Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
  • ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 13,009 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>.He is his own man and for him to let down his teamates is unnaceptable IMO. I used to be the biggest Manny lover but its good riddance as far as Im concerned. I hope we pay Jason Bay more than what Manny gets in his next contract just out of spite. >>

    I really wonder if he is his own man. He seems to be subject to manipulation on a whim -- I think his wife was behind a lot of the annual "I wante to be traded" funks, and then he would always switch back to "I love Boston and want to end my career here" like during spring training. But yeah, if Manny is too stupid to think for himself or not let people manipulate him, ultimately it is his own fault. But I also belive that most of those "advising" Manny are simply taking advantage of him.

    The Varitek negotiations with Bor-Ass will be interesting -- no way Boston is going to pay $10 million per for a .220 hitter, no matter how much value he adds to the pitching staff. $6 million per would probably be "fair", and I cannot imagine any other team paying him more. But Bor-Ass will surely try to blackmail the Sox into overpaying for him -- we will see if Tek allows this to happen.
  • MCMLVToppsMCMLVTopps Posts: 4,917 ✭✭✭✭✭
    A few comments on the former Red Sox player who wore # 24...

    He is the epitome of hubris, as in industrial strength hubris!! Ray Charles could see that # 24 was dogging the team and really didn't give a crap about anyone, or anything other than # 24.

    The pushing down of a 64 year old man because he couldn't get the requested number of tix for an upcoming Yankees game was just about the final nail in the coffin for me. Let us not forget the dustup with Youk in the dugout after the Coco fiasco with the Rays. God only knows the things that happened both on and off the field in Boston and on the road. When players (many more than one) go to management and tell them # 24 has to go, something has to be very, very, very wrong.

    # 24 is all about a very talented man who is more like a spoiled child that is apt to throw a tantrum if the wind is blowing the wrong way. Trade me, no, I want to stay, trade me, no I want to stay...ad nauseum.

    There is a littany of # 24 being # 24, basically acting like a doofus, but the fans seemed to buy all the antics and couldn't seem to peel back the onion for fear it would really, really burn their eyes.

    # 24 now is on a tear, the most uneducated baseball fan could see that he is simply putting up numbers to obtain a hopeful massive contract in 09. Boras is in this thing up to his eyeballs and beyond. Imagine being paid what he was being paid almost $125k PER GAME and being unhappy. Ponder that!

    My prediction is that # 24 will end up with the Mets. Why? The Yankees have a hair thing, and # 24 ain't gonna cut or change anything about his dreds. Though he grew up in Washington Heights, nearest Yankee stadium, I suspect Shea will be close enough to draw the "poor local dude makes good" crowd. The only thing that would dampen this prediction is the DH rule, da Mets ain't got that, translation...# 24 has to play every inning, not just sit on his ass and walk to the plate 3-4 times a game. THIS is the only thing that will keep him out of the National League, he ain't so young anymore, and dem bones is gettin' tired. Besides, his defensive skills are not his strong suit as is evidenced by a TON of faux pas in Fenway and elsewhere. If the Yankees take him, they will have to cave on the personal grooming issue and then Johnny Damon can become a cave man again. Not likely to happen.

    Personally, I don't give a S*** if he became the greatest player that ever lived reincarnated. When you dog your team and act in a manner that is detrimental to all, the players, the fans, the owners, everyone, and do it intentionally you are lower than whale S*** over the Marianna Trench in my book.

    I say good riddance to this royal pain in the ass, selfish person. For him, may the addage "what goes around comes around" hit you square between the eyes BIG TIME. A pox on your house # 24.
  • TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    Manny's on field interview tonight was pretty pointed. Everything he said seemed to be aimed at Boston. Bitter much, Manny?
  • ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 13,009 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i> If the Yankees take him, they will have to cave on the personal grooming issue and then Johnny Damon can become a cave man again. Not likely to happen.

    . >>


    Good point -- but then Damon could make a ton of money pitching GEICO car insurance!

    Mets are definitely more likely than the Yankees to land him -- but the urge for the Steinbrenners to stick it to the Red Sox may prove irresistible. After lulling the Dodgers into adopting him, then Manny will just stick his middle finger in the air (or Bor-Ass with do if for him) as he exits La La Land, saying "they don't deserve him" because they will not offer more than $22mm per season.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    I think Manny will stay where he is.


    Good for you.
  • I hope Manny will stay where he is.

  • I don't want him to end up here (because of how much they'll have to pay him), but I still think the Jays will be the only team to pony up for Manny (unless the Yankees can beat him in years). I know most of you think this is a joke, but mark my words.
  • ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 13,009 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I don't want him to end up here (because of how much they'll have to pay him), but I still think the Jays will be the only team to pony up for Manny (unless the Yankees can beat him in years). I know most of you think this is a joke, but mark my words.
    Jay >>

    They could pay him in Canadian Dollars, and he might not notice! image (of course that wont work if the C$ get on part with the US$ again).
  • WeekendHackerWeekendHacker Posts: 1,460 ✭✭✭
    Any team that offers him anything longer than a 3 year deal is not only foolish but wreckless to their organization - and a 3 year deal at the jack that he will command might not pay off in the 3rd year. Yes, he is probably in the top 3 right handed hitters in the last 40 years (ARod/Pujols) but he ain't gettin' any younger.
  • bman90278bman90278 Posts: 3,453 ✭✭✭

    << <i> Any team that offers him anything longer than a 3 year deal is not only foolish but wreckless to their organization - and a 3 year deal at the jack that he will command might not pay off in the 3rd year. Yes, he is probably in the top 3 right handed hitters in the last 40 years (ARod/Pujols) but he ain't gettin' any younger. >>

    I'm a Dodger fan and I totally agree with you and that's what our better sports radio shows are saying as well out here in LA. The amount of money you would have to tie up with Manny for 3+ years would be crazy!

    I've mentioned it before, but I wish there were stricter guidelines in regards to sports agents.
  • TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    So, what's the feeling in LA about the likelihood of the Dodgers resigning Manny? Manny seems happy there and the Dodgers seem happy to have him (at least while the Red Sox are paying his salary). But what's the word on the street as they say?
  • bman90278bman90278 Posts: 3,453 ✭✭✭

    << <i> So, what's the feeling in LA about the likelihood of the Dodgers resigning Manny? Manny seems happy there and the Dodgers seem happy to have him (at least while the Red Sox are paying his salary). But what's the word on the street as they say? >>

    The word I hear from the Dodger fans I know are similar to the radio sport shows out here. Everyone says the Dodgers would be crazy to offer Manny more than a 3 year deal. I feel the same. As far as the Dodgers and Ned Colletti, I haven't heard much from them on in the papers or radio on what's going to be offered. No matter what happens, the Manny has just proven how important it is to have a power hitter in their lineup. His presence has helped Matt Kemp and Ethier big time not to mention the other hitters.
  • L.A has a great core of young players and are going to be a good team next year with or without Manny. What it comes down to with him is Boras, and there is no way he's going to sign a deal for less than 100 mil, probably for 4 years. Yes, we all realize that's foolish money, but for teams that haven't tasted playoff sucess for years, is it worthwhile to spend $50 mil a season to have 2 runs at the championship (as we know, probably by the third year if Manny is still producing he'll either want out, or want more money, or his skills will have declined to being foolishily overpaid)? But again, it comes down to knowing you're essentially paying a guy for 2 years that can still do what most others can't. He fits in the the blue and white nicely, but they have more outfielders than they know what to do with so I just can't see them paying the money for another one. Add to that he can't DH in the NL, I'm telling you he'll end up in the AL and my best guess is Toronto (unless again the Yankees blow everyone away with an offer that's just sick). But who knows, if the Rays end up winning the whole thing, you might see him there?
  • BarndogBarndog Posts: 20,504 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I pray The Yanks do not sign Manny. >>

    I pray the Yanks do sign Manny! But God doesn't listen to baseball prayers
  • RipublicaninMassRipublicaninMass Posts: 10,051 ✭✭✭
    Thankfor the rant, but Shea stadium is go Mets plays a NEW Shea??
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