Mintage Figures

Does anybody here have mintage figures typed out into any file type (like spreadsheet, word doc, text file, word perfect) for any sets or collections they have? I'm mainly interested in complete issue listings, but partial ones will also save me some time.
I'm asking because if someone has already done some data inputting i'd like to avoid as much as I can.
Or if you know websites with the numbers typed out, that would help to
I'm asking because if someone has already done some data inputting i'd like to avoid as much as I can.
Or if you know websites with the numbers typed out, that would help to
I was expecting that there would bne at least someone who has typed in US, Canada, or UK mintages into a file or posted them on the net.
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
Does anyone know if the online Krause give mintages in an easy list way that can be copied into a text or spreadsheet?
Who know what could come out of it though. Got any suggests or ideas?