New York City - Who to see

I'm going to be in NYC on Saturday, any recommended world dealers worth visiting? They would need to be in the city, I probably do not have time to go out to New Jersey.
Given the high rents in NYC, Stack's is the only coin shop worth visiting.
If their store layout is the same, the world coins are upstairs and the sign on the door doesn't say "Stack's", it says "Coin Galleries" or something like that. The customer area is pretty small, but, as I recall, if they're not busy they're very happy to talk to you.
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From a Brit 19th century perspective, I'm not very impressed with Stacks anymore - they've had nada the last couple of times I've been in the city. I did get a couple of nice bits from them, but again that was in the nineties.
I haven't found much in Bergen County, NJ either.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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<< <i>A guy by the name of Bosco. But, I am not sure that he has a shop. >>
I thought that was a joke, and the guy's name could just as well have been "Guido" or something like that. I pictured some pasta-fed leviathan in a dark striped suit and lots of gold chains, opening the trunk of an old Caddy with fins, saying, "Coins? Yeah, we got coins! What kinda coins youse want, anyways?"
Apologies to the real Mr. Bosco, since it appears it wasn't a joke. Obviously he's a respected fellow, to get such word of mouth.
By the way, Lord M, if you want to see what a "Bosco" looks like, he and his wife are pictured on page 78 of the October edition of The Numismatist.
Check out the Southern Gold Society
He has plenty of coins too. Many thousands of them. Just don't expect him to know where anything is. You'll have to stumble on it.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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