MPL Posse strikes again, another ebay listing pulled

The MPL posse strikes again. The 1916 "BU Matte Proof" listing has been pulled from ebay. I was in communication with the seller, sent him various links and info regarding diagnostics, and the most helpful edge on view that Brian had posted. The seller seemed like an allright guy, and didn't want to misrepresent the coin. He done the right thing. Keeping your 100% positive feedback is a great incentive to not sell 'Phunny matties".
Vigilance is a good thing.
Vigilance is a good thing.
Check this out:
hello, can you have him look at the pictures. If he thinks (85%) that it is rare. I will have the send it to pcgs to be certified. I looked at some matte 1909 pennies online and mine looks just like them. I don;t believe I got lucky on purchasing this coin. I am afraid to get my hopes up.
And later:
Thank you so much for the advice. I spent tonight going through my things trying to find out where I had purchased the coin. It was at a local police auction. I am going to take your advice. Thanks again
A POLICE AUCTION??? Well, I've heard a lot of things, but never that. I guess I'll have to be on the lookout for local rare coin offerings at the police station from now on.
Empty Nest Collection
Matt’s Mattes
some day *SOME DAY** a VDB mattie is going to show up, pulled out some old whitman or found at a "police auction" and we will be all over it like a fly on &^%$
We have the Posse! Taking on the bad guys and helping the innocent!
hello, I had the Heritage auction people take a good look at the coin. Before it was over there were 5 people looking at the coin. They pulled picture after picture for comparison. There is not question my coin has the rim of the matte proofs, and the strike, they just aren't sure about the other clue. There should be a die error. They said the coin ahd been cleaned so I couldn't send it to PCGS but they suggested I send it to ANAC. Do you think it would be worth the time since it has been cleaned?
Any ideas?
Empty Nest Collection
Matt’s Mattes
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
QDB does mention one matte in particular with unquestioned provenance as a proof that had no die markers. So, I suppose there could be some 1916s that don't show the diagnostics....but getting it certified just on the basis or the rims, that would mean a TPG would be really sticking their neck out. Without the slab, without the diagnostics.....its just a cleaned biz strike.
The drama continues..............
This is probably another coin story which will just fade away, since revealing bad news isn't as nice as revealing good news.
And I quote: "Oh I am so very excited!!! I just spoke to ANAC. They are shipping it back today. It was graded MS63 Matte proof."
And later: "oh yeah, it has not been cleaned!!! I am so happy!!! imagine, MS63 matte proof"
All that from a police auction. Will follow up with more info later.
Empty Nest Collection
Matt’s Mattes
I do wonder about all this though....Certified "MS"? Dosent ANACS use "PF"??????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I thnk I'm officially quitting the "making a call based on photos" gang.
Anyway...another certified 16 something.
UPDATE! Sorry guys. Mistook Matt's post for ambro.
My Complete PROOF Lincoln Cent with Major Varieties(1909-2015)Set Registry
Sent this morning:
Can you give me a little more information on your recent discovery coin? How about a certification number? Plus, your use of the MS prefix suggests a Mint State coin, not a PF (proof). I’m guessing just a typo. I do that all the time. Lastly, is there a color designation, like BN, RB, or RD?
Empty Nest Collection
Matt’s Mattes
Just received by e-mail -
I should have the coin back tomorrow, but I may not be able to pick it up from the post office until Saturday. I had called ANAC to get the status and she read it to me off of an invoice. It had already been mailed back. I will let you know and send pictures.
She mentioned offering it to me, but we'll see how that pans out. I would probably just try and cross it at any grade level. PR63 is usually a pretty safe bet.
Empty Nest Collection
Matt’s Mattes