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1835 CBH with countermarks. What is this?

The coin has a "7" on the obverse, and a "*" (asterisk) on the reverse.
Anyone here who knows what this means?



  • Whoa, two obverses, very cool.

    Just kidding of course, can you fix the pic link?

  • Hehe.. .now I have corrected it.
  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275
    Don't know what it means, but it's cool.

    I'll bring it to the top for the more informed CBH people to comment.
  • QuarternutQuarternut Posts: 1,481 ✭✭✭
    There is no meaning to the obverse "7" that I know of, or that is listed in any books on countermarks. My guess is that someone made it their "lucky" pocket piece by stamping the number 7 on it.

    The countermark on the reverse however, is significant. That is most likely a Chinese "chop" mark that merchants in the Orient would put upon coins to signify that it was good silver and not a counterfeit or base metal coin. These marks are predominately seen on United States Trade Dollars made from 1873-1885, that were produced specifically for use in the China trade. Occasionally other U.S. coins would make their way over there and be marked as well.

    There are a few know Bust Half examples with chop marks, but they are not common. I think that for the last 10 years or so that I have been tracking counterstamps on bust coins, I have seen only 6 or 7 pieces.

    Very image pickup! image


    Go to Early United States Coins - to order the New "Early United States Half Dollar Vol. 1 / 1794-1807" book or the 1st new Bust Quarter book!

  • Thanks, Quarternut

    I just love to get answers here on the forum.

    I guess my 17 dollars were well spent, then image
  • QuarternutQuarternut Posts: 1,481 ✭✭✭
    I guess my 17 dollars were well spent, then

    I would be happy to double your money any time...image


    Go to Early United States Coins - to order the New "Early United States Half Dollar Vol. 1 / 1794-1807" book or the 1st new Bust Quarter book!

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