Pendragon1998's 3000 (NGC) / 1500 (PCGS) Post YN Giveaway! - WINNER ANOUNCED 1st POST!

Pendragon1998's 3000 (NGC) / 1500 (PCGS) Post YN Giveaway!
Running concurrently on the NGC forums
No, I'm not giving away a YN, but I am giving away some stuff that a YN might find interesting. Actually, why limit this to YNs? While this stuff is modest enough, I always hate being excluded from something I might like to add to my collection simply due to my age, so let's call this a "YNs and Any Other Interested Parties Giveaway!" LOL
Anyway, I just wanted to offer a little something back, since I've benefitted from being on the forums for the last few years. I'm approaching my 3000th post at NGC's forums and my 1500th post at PCGS. To celebrate it, I've got a small collection of interesting bits and pieces to offer whomever is interested in adding it to their collection.
The good part:
For the lucky winnah, here's what ya get:
* 7 Random Small Denom. World Coins in various conditions.
* A 1953 Queen Elizabeth II crown.
* A 1982-D Unc. Silver Washington Commemorative in battered original box.
* A small assortment of wheat cents (some nicer circulated ones, some mere hole fillers)
from the teens on up.
* A Constantius II 337-361 AD Ancient Roman coin.
If you get something you can't use, pass on the love.
How to Enter:
Just post a coin you like and tell me why. Tell me something cool about yourself. Choose a bird and post a photo of it (including its species) - why? because I like birds
Just entertain us all. Flattery will get you everywhere 
Please indicate whether you're 'in' or just saying 'Hi'.
I'll make a somewhat random drawing on or about when I either hit 3000 or 1500 on either side of the street.
The winner of my giveaway is dan8402!!!
Everybody give Dan a hand. Dan, PM me your address and I'll get the coins in the mail sometime this week.
Thanks for playing, everyone who entered!
Running concurrently on the NGC forums
No, I'm not giving away a YN, but I am giving away some stuff that a YN might find interesting. Actually, why limit this to YNs? While this stuff is modest enough, I always hate being excluded from something I might like to add to my collection simply due to my age, so let's call this a "YNs and Any Other Interested Parties Giveaway!" LOL
Anyway, I just wanted to offer a little something back, since I've benefitted from being on the forums for the last few years. I'm approaching my 3000th post at NGC's forums and my 1500th post at PCGS. To celebrate it, I've got a small collection of interesting bits and pieces to offer whomever is interested in adding it to their collection.
The good part:
For the lucky winnah, here's what ya get:
* 7 Random Small Denom. World Coins in various conditions.
* A 1953 Queen Elizabeth II crown.
* A 1982-D Unc. Silver Washington Commemorative in battered original box.
* A small assortment of wheat cents (some nicer circulated ones, some mere hole fillers)
from the teens on up.
* A Constantius II 337-361 AD Ancient Roman coin.
If you get something you can't use, pass on the love.
How to Enter:
Just post a coin you like and tell me why. Tell me something cool about yourself. Choose a bird and post a photo of it (including its species) - why? because I like birds

Please indicate whether you're 'in' or just saying 'Hi'.
I'll make a somewhat random drawing on or about when I either hit 3000 or 1500 on either side of the street.
The winner of my giveaway is dan8402!!!
Everybody give Dan a hand. Dan, PM me your address and I'll get the coins in the mail sometime this week.
Thanks for playing, everyone who entered!
Here are some birds for you:
I love deuces so these birds are great!
Oh yeah, and one on a coin!
Oh yeah, and here is a dragon for Pendragon:
check it out
Oval, Nobium.. what's not to love?
Im posting a long-whiskered owlet.. just because it's kinda weird looking, and I see 'em in my backyard all the time.
here's one that was near my back sliding window last night. sat right on my hand when I held it out*
In high school, as a junior I played varsity and got into a firswt game, and went 1-1 with a HR.. I would never get another AB in my career
*Im joking
It was my first piece of darkside gold. It started a small but growing collection of gold.
Something cool about myself? I won the camera that I took all of my coin and bird pictures with. It is a Nikon D40 that I won in their "40 D40s in 40 Days" contest.
And, possibly my favorite part of the contest are the birds. I really really like taking pictures of birds (even if I'm not that great at it). So, here are a few that I took within the last year.
Green Head (Mallard) Duck
Great Blue Heron
Red Headed Woodpecker
Black Crowned Night Heron
Inidentified South Carolina birds
Hope you liked my birds
Edit: I guess I would like to be included in the contest too. I could use a few things included and I will pass on the rest.
<< <i>Unidentified South Carolina birds
Hope you liked my birds
Wonderful photos! I loved all of them - the Black-crowned night heron pic was a stunner; it's a wonderful bird and a great shot of it. I've taken some bird photos in the past, but I got too lazy with carrying binos and a camera, so now I only carry the binos. I'm trying to save up some money for a spotting scope, but I keep raiding the cookie jar for coin money! I'm in GA now, but I lived in Columbia, SC for 12 years and I still feel like it's home to a large extent. I'm a birder (I'm actually studying ornithology as a grad student currently).
I can help you out with the unidentified birds, by the way. Those are immature Yellow-crowned Night Herons. Immature YCNHs have dark bills, while immature Black-crowned Night Herons have yellowish bills.
Not many birders can actually show you a photo of the actual bird that got them hooked, by the way, but I'm one of them. I got interested in birds when I started trying to photograph (with a film camera) this beautiful Great Egret at a local park back in Columbia. My photo isn't as nice as yours are, but I'm fond of it.
Good luck!