Help with 1953 G.B. Proof Farthing

I know that i spoke to forum member Farthing about this coin, All i can remember is that he said it was the "Rare one" , Can anyone help me with the particular's. Also what the value might be? I plan on listing it on the next weekly BST. Farthing if your out there, HELP!!!!!
" I just checked in , Just to see what condition, My condition was in." Kenny Rogers and the 1st. Edition......
I estimate its value at about $100, based on my last available catalogue.
Many thank's, Ozzysdad47/ Brad....
Has worked for me before.
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
eBay registered name:
Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)