Newsflash: eBay newb leaves LordM positive feedback with a "slow shipping" comment in it..

Seven day turnaround from payment received to feedback left by the buyer.
Methinks the lassie doesn't know what "slow" means by LordM standards, what say ye, O past customers of mine?
She must have been buying from the Shroomdude or some of these other superfast shippers.
I just got an ajaan package from NY to GA in something like two days. Got one in something like 36 hours, once. The USPS has been on the ball lately, I must admit. I have noticed that shorter-distance shipments like this one (from GA to SC, in this case) can sometimes take longer than the NY-GA ones, though.
Methinks the lassie doesn't know what "slow" means by LordM standards, what say ye, O past customers of mine?

She must have been buying from the Shroomdude or some of these other superfast shippers.

I just got an ajaan package from NY to GA in something like two days. Got one in something like 36 hours, once. The USPS has been on the ball lately, I must admit. I have noticed that shorter-distance shipments like this one (from GA to SC, in this case) can sometimes take longer than the NY-GA ones, though.
Ain't so sweet.
Boy, good thing I left her a positive the minute I saw her payment, huh? Imagine if I was a slow feedback-giver in addition to taking a whole two to three days to ship her coins? (The rest can be blamed on the USPS).
I got one of those recently, too. Much more courteous and obsequious, but a feedback beggar, nonetheless. I had waited *gasp* maybe 24 hours (maybe) to leave feedback. Was probably off doing something irresponsible, like sleeping, when this foreign bidder paid.
<< <i> Wisht the Kissing British and French coin didn't go through the stratosphere pricewise, that was one interesting piece I would have liked to have had, and I would have gladly waited a week for it. >>
That one should be back in France by now, I hope.
I'm not worried about the folks who bought my $2.80 holey coin lots. The ones who bought "Geronimo's" consignment lots, on the other hand, are likely to be a bit more seasoned customers. Which could be good, or bad. I accidentally overcharged some of them for shipping, and undercharged others, and can't remember which was which. No more flat rate postage for me. I mistrusted the eBay shipping calculator but will use it from now on.