Newp - Red Baron medal

This 37mm silver medal by Karl Goetz commemorates Baron Manfred von Richthoffen (the Red Baron), WWI flying ace of Germany. There is a die crack from the rim to the eagle at about 7:30 on the reverse. It was a recent Ebay purchase.

"Have a nice day!"
World Collection
British Collection
German States Collection
The later corrected medal was struck in 36mm gold, silver, and bronze. I'm pretty sure I've seen this in a 60mm cast silver too.
The silver 36mm I have has the same die crack.
(Edit: oh, I see JCMH beat me to the lame joke. What's worse than a lame joke? Being the SECOND one to post it, that's what.)
Oh, and speaking of medals relating to Germans and aviation:
Check out the misshapen skull and pointy nose on Baron von Huenefeld!