Irish Coin Album question

Do any companies currently make anything for the 1928-1968 Irish coins? I have been gathering a nice little hoard lately and would like to organize them in an album if possible
I'm proud to say I finished all three albums, including the 1943 halfcrown (approx. 500 known).
I did not have the 1943 florin (approx. 35 known), but Dansco made that one "optional" by putting a popout "plug" in the slot for that.
I bought mine new four or five years ago, so if they are out of print, they haven't been out long. They were moderately hard to find, though. I think I bought them on eBay, new in the wrap. Of course they could have been out of print when I bought them.
They are out there, though, and are a nice album. It was a fun set- just the right balance of challenging and easy. It took me a year and a half to two years to fill all the slots in the three albums, as I recall.
I had enough fun with that set that I would contemplate doing it again.
Much appreciated!