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1st coin that you actually payed money for

So, many of my first coins came from family and family friends when i was a child, or i found them one way or another, occasional British pennies could be found inside the couches we had (no joke) and i'm pretty sure i found a stamp in there.

i actually don't remember the first coin that i payed for, but it was years after all those freebies

what was the first (or really early) coin that you actually paid for?

The one freebie someone gave me that i really liked was a 1970 New Zealand dollar, with Mt Cook on it
example on ebay

At another time the same individual gave my brother a 25 ore from Denmark and I remember thinking it was crazytown because of the hole. Totally transcended my norms of specie. I guess the NZ one did too because of its size.


  • harashaharasha Posts: 3,098 ✭✭✭✭✭
    When I was very young, maybe about 5 years old, I used to go with my father and brother to visit the paternal grandmother in the Bronx. There was a coin & stamp store on the Grand Concourse which my brother liked to visit. On one visit, I might have had some change in my pocket and my father allowed me to purchase one of those crown size 5 Francs from about 1933.
    I also remember taking a pen to outline the head of Marianne and I stuck the coin to something with a piece of scotch tape. I think I still have that coin somewhere. I even may have colored it with a blue magic marker. Clearly, this was a prized possession!

    As I got older and more serious about coins, I used to collect Lincoln pennies. The nearest coin store was a bicycle ride down to Merrick;
    J & J Coins, I believe. I was fascinated by some Roman coins that were on display. When finally I got up enough nerve to ask the price, I discovered that they were cheaper than the pennies that I purchased.

    So, my first serious darkside purchase; an antoninianus of Gordian III for about $3.50. (Dating myself, huh?).

    Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis

  • First U.S. coin was a 1955-S cent, for 55 cents at a local coin shop.

    First foreign coin was a Bahamas $2 coin from the Franklin mint. Cost $3.50 mail order.
  • UNC 50-D Jefferson. It is worth about 1/2 now what I paid then. I should have learned.
    "It is good for the state that the people do not think."

    Adolf Hitler
  • theboz11theboz11 Posts: 6,576 ✭✭✭
    A 2 1/2 Liberty US coin. I may still have it, if I can remember the dateimage Actually got paid with the coin for work done, it was part of the agreement.image
  • BillyKingsleyBillyKingsley Posts: 2,661 ✭✭✭✭
    I can't recall the first, it was sometime in 1995. (I was 11, unless it was before October 18th, which is my birthday, then I would have been 10). Most of my early coins my dad brought home from work (he was a bus mechanic on buses that served NYC-he found all kinds of cool stuff left in the seats, which he brought home) One of the earliest I remember getting was a 1/2 Franc from 1964 from France.

    Around that same time period, in the Danbury Mall in Conneticut, they had a Science store that had coins in giant tubs. I think you scooped them out ala Jelly Beans. I got what seemed like a lot at the time, probably about 25. The price was I think 10 cents each. I sure wish I had gotten more of them, and I REALLY wish the store was still in buisness so I could get more that way! I know I have two from Estonia, one from Zambia, and others that came from there. At the time my mom didn't want me to buy a lot of them, which I still can't figure out. She thinks it's stupid to buy money I guess. Still does, in fact.

    I can't recall the first US coins I bought. I can't remember where I got a lot of my early ones, and some of them are actually pretty good, like a 1865 Three cent piece and two Walking Liberty Half dollars. I know that around 1994-95 there was a little shop in Kingston NY called Kingston Coin that also carried NASCAR Diecast. That then as now is my #1 hobby and I bought a few from him. I don't know anymore what I bought, but I know he gave me a 1853 Dime that is almost worn smooth. I wasn't even aware what year it was until earlier this year, when I really got into coins, and purchased a Red Book and found out that in 53 it had arrows, and there clearly were arrows on mine, althought they are mostly worn smooth now.
    Billy Kingsley ANA R-3146356 Cardboard History // Numismatic History
  • First bought coin was actually a set. 1961 Proof set. I think it was $2.10. Still have it after 47 years.
    Proud recipiant of the Lord M "you suck award-March-2008"
  • zeebobzeebob Posts: 2,825
    First coin was a US coin -

  • SaorAlbaSaorAlba Posts: 7,585 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No pics, but I bought an 1878-S Morgan in BU when I was a kid, it was expensive for the time, something like $4! I still have it, but it is in the bank I think.
    Tir nam beann, nan gleann, s'nan gaisgeach ~ Saorstat Albanaich a nis!
  • SYRACUSIANSYRACUSIAN Posts: 6,461 ✭✭✭✭
    Not the first one I've spent money on, but the first one I've spent over $10 to purchase it. Back in 1992-93, I was determined to buy a three coin commem silver set, with big shiny silver coins and a nice blue velvet case, for around $100 at the time. The dealer however, insisted that I buy this 1930 10 drachmas instead, for the same price, and he patiently explained to me that the set I was after was a readily available very common modern NCLT set that I could buy at any given day, contrarily to this rare in MS grades .500 silver coin. I followed the advice and bought it.

    A few years later, I've sent it to Anacs where it graded MS62 and it still resides in that holder. But the best part is that I have yet to locate a better one of this one year type coin, notorious for the hundreds of near mint state AU58s that have been submitted, a few of which by yours truly. The scratch on the cheek is slightly exaggerated in the photo.

    Its value in MS62 is now about 8-9 times what I paid back then. As for the 3 coin NCLT set,(that I never bought), minted in 1981, it's still readily available and it now trades slightly below bullion value,at around $30.image



    DPOTD 3
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