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Help with Pakistan coin

I still going through my world coins I put up a bit back and have found a 1953 1 pice. I see where the type of the same coin (no hole) started in 1961 but cant find the 1953 in Krause. Any suggestions.




  • Coin pictured is KM#12 under Pakistan-Islamic Republic. This should be the first section in Pakistan. 1961 is the beginning of Decimal Coinage, which comes after the Islamic republic section.
  • Chris,
    The 1953 1 Pice from Pakistan is actually a pre-decimal coin of the Dominion of Pakistan.Pakistan was a Dominion of the British Commonwealth between 1947 & 1956,so the Dominion's coin issues are from the 1948 right through to the 1955 coinage.

    Pakistan became a British Commonwealth republic in 1956.

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