Big Ol' Coppers

Gotta love 'em. I do not particularly collect them, but sometimes they go with a type set. This is my latest:

Honors flysis Income beezis Onches nobis Inob keesis
Conder Token Gallery
The Russian 5-kopecks I've had, of course- they're irresistible if one likes chunky coppers. (Edit to add: the example above is an especially nice one, with none of the greenish corrosion or pitting or poor striking they often have.)
Speaking of chunky coppers, I am giving one away for my 40K celebration over on the Giveaway Forum, so be sure to put your name in the hat.
Link to giveaway thread.
The giveaway piece is not the coin in the picture, but will be the of the same date and type. These patacos are also "whopper coppers"- what they lack in diameter (slightly less than silver dollar size) they make up for in thickness (very chunky!)