Help with some books.

Does anyone know of a catalogue, with price guide to Indian coins, dating from 300BC to about modern.
Any names of books/websites would be helpful.
I just started my Indian collection.
With mughals, to provincial to the early colonisation by the British/Dutch/Portugese.
Thanks in Advanced.
Any names of books/websites would be helpful.
I just started my Indian collection.
With mughals, to provincial to the early colonisation by the British/Dutch/Portugese.
Thanks in Advanced.
Link 1
1-Dammit Boy Oct 14,2003
International Coins
"A work in progress"
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Hard_ Search (buyer/bidder, a small time seller)
World Coin & PM Collector
My Coin Info Pages <> My All Experts Profile
let me know what you turn up!
I don't own them, but the Mitchiner books are reportedly the most comprehensive out there($200+ each).
The link newbiecollector provided is the best source of information and books I've been able to find.
I recently picked up Coins of the Indian Sultanates form Abebooks and Coins of the Sikhs from Alibris inexpensively, both from sellers in India. also has a few inexpensive books listed from sellers in India, the difficulty is finding a review of the book to see if it's worth buying.